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  1. Wait really, I knew that this would wear out my cpu faster but by how much? I'm planning on keeping this computer for ideally 2 years, and no longer than 3, will it last through that time?
  2. Yeah I'm at 3.7ghz at 1.5v, I thought putting more would be unsafe as I've never seen anymore put more than that.
  3. Lol sorry for the confusing question. What I meant to say was that at 1.45v I've maxed out at 3.6ghz, but would a further voltage bump give me better OC performance again?
  4. I got this cooler http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16835103065 along with this case http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...max%20hurricane so far I've gotten a 3.6ghz OC at 1.45v. Any possibility to push it even further? If not I'm pretty happy with the OC right now.
  5. So my CPU is now stable at a OC of 3.5ghz with a voltage bump of .025v, thanks for all the help guys. Just wondering would I be able to OC even more with another voltage bump?
  6. ^I see, well thanks for the help, I've actually manage to get at least a 3.3ghz overclock that's stable (I think running p95 now). Just a side question, why do I need to test for 12 hours? That seems a little excessive, I mean I doubt that I'll play games for stretches longer than 2 or 3 hours at one time, so why do I need to test stability for 12?
  7. So, if it's stable at 15.5x, just wondering why would I start at 10x?
  8. sorry if I didn't make it clear, I'm kinda new to this. But yes I'm OCing in the BIOS and I've tried changing FSB by small increments and the Multiplier by small increments and the cpu still doesn't run stable, I guess I haven't bumped the voltage up when I OC just a tiny bit, but I have if I try OCing to a higher amount it still doesn't run stable.
  9. Hi, I have a gigabyte 770 UD3P motherboard with an unlocked AMD X2 550 BE processor. My cpu runs at around 36 Celsius, but whenever I try to OC at all the system does not run stably(is that a word?). I've tried simply changing the core mhz just by 10 and increasing the multiplier by simply .5 on separate occasions while keeping the vcore (1.35v) and everything else on auto. Anyone got any ideas why it doesn't OC at all? Thanks.
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