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  • Computer Specs
    Intel Core 2 Quad 2.83 GHz Q9550 stock
    Gigabyte G31M-ES2L
    4 GB OCZ Platinum dual channel 2 x 2 GB 800 Mhz
    Western Digital Velociraptor 300 GB GLFS x 2
    22x Samsung dvd burner
    KFA2 GeForce 9600GT OC 512 MB

    Noctua U12 Fan and Heat Sink using 2 fans for in and out cooling (43 degrees idle core 0, all other cores avg 36 degrees)

    Prime 95 reach 55 degrees at 99.8% cpu

    Running Windows 7 RC and MAC OS X Leopard on separate drives

horseboy666's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. nonono, must have it showing its beastly power all the time!!! hahaha. I just built an E5200 system Intel Pentium Dual core 2.5 GHz, for my friend, and its not overclocked at all, i put in 3 GB RAM @ 800 mhz each stick, and yet in bios its showing for auto (667 MHz) so i gotta set multiplier by 4.0 using Gigabyte G31M-ES2L, now it shows 800 MHz, but when I run Prime 95 stress test, after like 5 minutes, Worker 1 stops, I uppped the ddr voltage by 0.1 v and now its perfect... really strange that I couldnt have it working properly at stock with stock speeds.. weird. I have built like 10 computers all the exact same as this with same exact specs, and this is the first time that having multiplier to Auto, produces 667 MHz. Bleh, maybe a defect?
  2. I disabled the EIST function!! NOW IT SHOWS!!! WAAHOOOO!!! Intel Core i7 @ 2.67 GHz 3.8 GHz !!!!!!!!! HAZAAA!!! THANK YOU GUYS!!!! LOVEEEEEE YOUUUUUU!!!!
  3. My CPU is an Intel i7 920 (2.66 base) overclocked to 3.8 GHz water cooled. I can clock it higher, but am just lazy, 3.8 GHz was very easy to achieve and is 100% stable with prime95 for a whole day. In Windows 7, it shows it as 2.67 GHz 2.53 GHz ... Its actually showing up lower than stock, in CPUZ and realtemp, it shows the proper frequency (yes I know it fluctuates the clock multiplier) How can I get Windows 7 to properly show my systems overclocked frequency? I do not mind it showing Intel core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67 GHz but I want it showing 3.8 GHz beside it as well. Its just this thing, lol, i need to have it showing, its a quirk of mine. Anyone can help me out? Possible registry change? Thanks alot.
  4. NCIX determined that 2 of the SSD's were defective, the 3rd one was fine. I told them I just want the money back. I then brought the Highpoint rocketraid 2640x1 back to the store I got it from and the guy determined it was faulty... he couldnt even get xp or vista to recognize it at all. I think i just have extremely bad luck with getting defective parts.
  5. Okay, I called up NCIX, and they said that my SSD's might be defective... they said there is a known issue with the Crucial SSD's... I sent them back, should get word from them in about 3-4 days. I may have lost the fight this time.. but not the war! lmao.. I might end up selling this system off and building a crazy machine , thats where you guys will come in Also, dont just pick stuff cuz its expensive, I want a crazy machine that actually is worth the money, like example... the difference between an i7 920 (2.66 ghz) vs 950 (3.06 ghz) cost difference 350 dollars... like what the heck... you can bump the 920 to that 950 spec by accident... stuff like that, I want hard core, but value too. Also, dont really care much about graphics cards as I dont really play hard core games, im a warcraft 3, counterstrike kinda guy. So I wouldnt mind a decent card, just not gunna go nuts and crossfire/sli cards, useless to me. So have fun guys List what you think a godly setup would be (bang for buck)
  6. 99 problems but a ... u know the rest lmao... anyways I set it to the first PCI-E x1 slot... and its installing good... at 85%... cross fingers... um... it went back to 82%... what the heck lmao ... and it errored... says something like verify the sources are there for installation... k returning this raid card, and the SSD's, just gunna use the raptor. Anyone have ideas what is goin on? *** I am trying a Vista DVD I have... since the drivers on the actual CD for the RAID are for vista or 2008... no mention of windows 7... but i doubt thats the problem cuz 7 uses vista drivers usually... but also the windows 7 dvd looks a bit scuffed from over use, so might be bad media. Lets hope!!!!! Sorry if I am a pain in the butt guys, im just new to this stuff and want to do stuff on my own but at the same time im afraid to blow up the world with this comp.
  7. Okay, i just set my cpu temperature alarm off... it was set to alarm at 70 degree celcius... there is no way it reached that... right after reboot it was showing as 23 degrees... using a crazy assed Noctua U12 heatsink with 2 fans on it for in and out blowing... plus the case is open and im in a basement thats freezing... its installing now... sigh... stopped at 50%, then the drive disappeared... even worse... my 3rd PCI-e x1 is blocked by my behemoth of a video card called 9600GT... so I have only the 1st slot PCI-E to try... which ppl say has problems... bleh trying anyways... if this doesnt work... im giving up..
  8. Okay got the rocketraid 2640x1 Windows 7 is now installing as i type on a diff comp (obviously) One thing that bothered me, there was no option to change the stripe size... and all it said was 512b Is this card just complete crap? Or am I missing something? Wow, as i was typing this, the installation was at 46% for 5 mins, and all of a sudden this loud high pitched noise, dunno where it came from, cant pin point... but im guessing its either the PSU or the raid card.. Also, this new board... when I power on, the comp sometimes shuts off, starts up, shuts off (after like 3 seconds) then finally stays on. Bah, so many problems lol, either its my PSU dying, or my motherboard dying... and the raid card didnt help them at all lol, just added to the struggle. I have a PC Power & Cooling 470 Watt PSU, and a nvidia geforce 9600GT overclocked from factory. Think my system is just not getting enough juice? I hear they have a 5 year warranty, had the PSU for about a year now. Guess I will try a diff PSU, see if the problem of shutting down/turning on persists... if still does, then its the motherboard... then again could be the 1200 MHz OCZ Flex dual channel 4 GB kit RAM I threw in (System is overclocked to 450 MHz x 8.5 and the RAM is set to 1200 MHz with divider of 2.66) Sigh, I think I just have some badddd luck. Prolly shouldnt go out and play golf anytime soon... K I set my system to stock, no overclocking at all... and its still doing that noise its doing the Noise during the Raid Driver installation in Windows 7 RC install basically just before its done installing the raid drivers, it freezes, LOUD HIGH PITCH NOISE, for 10 seconds, then there is no disk drive shown, but the noise stays,i just shut down the comp Obviously has to do with the RAID card, going to try moving it to the 3rd PCI-e x 1 port, as it was on the second. I didnt bother with the first slot, due to what people say.
  9. Im buying that Highpoint 2640x1 raid card right now, hopefully I will see a difference in speeds... that 300 MB/s max I had with 3 ssd's in raid 0 was just horribad lmao... at 64 kb, with 128 kb stripe i got 270 max... with 32 kb stripe i ggot 320 max... so confusing, hearing the higher stripe is better... when the lower seems better. Anyways off to buy the card, will post results (hopefully its not totally sealed so if i dont like it i can put it back in and return with no fees *insert devil smile* FYI, a blow dryer is your friend when it comes to taking the tape off boxes (you can restick it again and no signs of you ever opening it)
  10. Because its not worth the risk of Raiding, i mean after only having them in RAID for like 2 days, a simple mobo fail loses all my stuff, its a good thing I didnt have anything really on there yet. Yes SSD vs the raptor is a bit better, not worth that price difference per gigabyte. I may be looking into the Crucial 256 GB SSD for 580 at ncix.com as a standalone drive, at least I wont have the risk of Raid, and it should be pretty fast. Unless you guys can assure me that by getting a Raid controller such as the High point PCI-Express 4 channel cards, will not screw up. Meaning if my mobo fails, the RAID will still be intact, and that later on if I need to transfer to a new system, I can just take the RAID card out and plug into the new system and everything will be peachy? This is the card I am looking at http://www.canadacomputers.com/index.php?d...cid=IOC.898.158 Highpoint RocketRaid
  11. Forget it, my motherboard crashed, the raid went bye bye. Got a new board, threw my Velociraptor in, installed Windows 7, really I dont see THAT much of a difference between that and the SSD, dont care bout benchmarks, I care bout the feel of it. So basically they are going back the SSD's, no need for RAID, too risky.
  12. No, I chose RAID in the bios, unless you speak of something different?
  13. I am using these as my operating system by the way, it affects it, but I dont think that much. Could TRIM be affecting my performance? I know its meant to increase performance, but could some SSD's be no supported by TRIM??
  14. Well considering i have just done a clean install, I dont see a problem in setting it to 128 kb stripe... but really i thought 64 kb was supposed to be the best option for SSD. Anyways despite the Hd tune benchmarks, this system is FLYING, like I mean im installing stuff and sayin like WOAH its finished??? So dont care what Hd tune says, they can suck a lemon, these SSD's are beasts lmao (I can always return for a full refund, I have retailer status so dont pay restocking fees, so its not like im just in denile and feeling the speed only cuz I paid for it lol)
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