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    Toronto, Canada

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  1. Money isn't a gigantic issue. I would rather upgrade to something that will keep me happy for a couple years. I figured picking up a second 4870 would help however with the power consumption and issues mentioned above I think I'm staying away from that option. Looking to go single card. As far as budget goes, I would like to stay under 200 however if there are compelling reasons to go for a card that's 250 or so I would consider that as well. Again, thanks for any and all info! Keep it coming.
  2. Currently have two monitors running at 1920 x 1080. Play a lot of battlefield 3, deus ex etc. How bad would the power consumption with the xfire over upgrading then? Would 65 dollars justify going xfire? I'm hearing differing opinions from a lot of people I have asked. Some are saying 65 is a good deal go for it. Others are saying upgrade ur current costs since the xfire will consume more power? Thanks.
  3. Hey all, Been pretty out of touch with the tech stuff as of late. I have an xfx 4870 1gb video card. Getting a deal on a sapphire 4870 1gb that I can run with Crossfire however I'm wondering if that's worth it, or if I should just upgrade the card to something newer? What do you think? Thanks for any info.
  4. Wow this case is huge haha. Just waiting for my watercooling parts to come in and then I'm def getting some pics up. Didn't think it was this big though...obsidian is the right name lol
  5. Made the trade! Just waiting for my WC parts to come in and I'll get this bad boy set up. 800d is huge jeeez lol
  6. Hmmm interesting. I haven't had ONE person tell me to keep the HAF for a straight swap LOL. This is funny. I'm leaning towards the 800d
  7. Yep got that pump in that list! What do u think about the cases?
  8. weird there should be room for a 120.3 at the top. So far most people are telling me to swap cases haha.
  9. yep he's trading it straight up. I've painted the inside of my haf 932 black with some red accents but kinda want a change anyway. I figure if I get the 800d i'm pretty much set for a case for as long as I don't get bored of it. They are both nice cases in their own right.
  10. Posted this question in the Cases section as well but maybe some watercooling gods can help me out here. My friend with an 800d wants to switch cases cuz he doesn't wanna do WC. What does everyone think of that case, and will the parts that I have ordered even fit in there nicely? Lemme know what you think thanks.
  11. Hey all, Ordered these parts and they should be coming in soon for my HAF 932 Swiftech MCRES-MICRO REV2 Clear HI-FLOW Water Cooling Reservoir 3/8IN & 1/2IN Barb Fittings Swiftech MCR320 Quiet Power Triple 120MM Water Cooling Radiator Black G1/4 Threaded Swiftech MCP655 12V Industrial Water Cooling Pump 1/2IN Barbs Swiftech APOGEE XT LGA1366 CPU Water Block G1/4 Chrome HI-FLOW 1/2IN Eurostyle Barb Fittings Swiftech APOGEE XT Hold Down Adapter Plate for Mounting On LGA771/AM2/AM3 Primochill Primoflex Pro LRT UV Green 1/2IN ID 3/4IN OD Tubing (10 Feet) My friend has a Corsair 800d case and wants to switch because he doesn't wanna do watercooling. I like the way his 800d looks. Never really had any experience with it. Basically bought my watercooling setup for my haf 932 as a starter setup. Will this all fit in there, and do I even wanna trade? Lemme know what you think. Thanks.
  12. Yeah I might end up getting a kill coil anyway just because...but from what I've read people have been fine with these true silver barbs.
  13. Getting a list of parts for my new water cooling setup

  14. alright after reading up on everything and asking for some more opinions I'm going to be going with the True Silver barbs from Bitspower with some koolance reusable clamps. I think I'm ready to go.
  15. haha I was just about to order and now you've got me thinking whether I should just go with the barbs and hose clamps over the compression fittings. ahhhhh decisions.
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