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  1. That was a great article. "Regardless of what else comes into play, overclocking looks good on both the Radeon HD 4890 and the GeForce GTX 275. "
  2. You can already get that here in the Best Graphics Card for the Money Review. And ATI holds their own. I don't think you can go wrong with either nVidia or ATI. It simply boils down to how much $$ you want to spend for the performance you'll need.
  3. All bs aside guys this was a damn great article. I'm just kinda miffed because I ordered my parts to build a new system late last week and ordered a 4890 planning to do Crossfire once the 4890 cards come down a little more in price. I'm pretty sure I'd be happy with either setup and chose not to get a GTX 280, 285 or 295 because they were significantly more and in a single card environment didnt' seem to perform that much (if any) better. Kinda wished I had seen this article first but that's the breaks. However I plan to do ZERO folding so I should be good.
  4. Those of us that live in the real world don't need driver updates every 3 days. If you're a Hardcore gamer or Benchmark Junkie then yes I can see it, but this is what, 1 or 2% of the population? ATI nor any other company is going to cater to this. Ok so maybe nVidia does by releasing drivers every few hours but it's certainly the exception. Obviously the GTX 295 setup was king of the hill but I think ATI hangs fairly well in the Cost per FPS segment which is a very accurate gauge of what you can expect performance wise per $$ spent. I love both ATI AND nVidia and keeping the competition up will only be good for the consumer in the end. And yes I will agree the review was not biased in any way, just Bosco that bleeds green. B:) p.s. I know that was fairly "in your face" for my first post. Does anyone remember a lil' ol' website by the name of OCAddiction?
  5. I enjoyed the review but Bosco's Thoughts were fairly biased. Why would I want to read blatantly biased reviews? Especially from someone who cares more about folding than what the graphics cards were really meant to do?
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