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  • Computer Specs
    EVGA nForce 680i LT SLI
    EVGA GeForce 8800GT 512MB
    Intel Core 2 Duo E4600
    PC P&C 610 (Contin...)
    Crucial Ballistix (2x1gb)

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  1. Hi everyone thanks for all of your ideas pertaining to my problem. The problem has been sorted out. The problem ended up being a bad RAM.
  2. Ok everyone, Just got the ASUS board plugged it in and still having the same NO SHOW problem. Going to try swapping out Mr. Patman's GTS 8800 and ram to see if that makes any difference. post back later with the results of that test.
  3. Hi everyone, I am the owner of the machine in question any insight to the problem would be very helpful. Thank you.
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