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Posts posted by cheetor1981

  1. I had seen their site years ago and always wanted to buy stuff from them to build a PC...never had enough money so I never bought anything. I randomly would check out what they were selling like I do with TigerDirect or NewEgg. I hadn't realized that they disappeared. Though I am glad they are back and actually did purchase some items from them for the first time a few weeks ago.

  2. What kind of Internet connection do you guys have??


    In my experience, the more computers connected off the same DSL connection, no matter what anyone is doing, the more craptastic the speed is for everyone. Heaven forbid if one person is downloading a file on LimeWire, someone is playing an online games, and someone is watching YouTube...a fourth person won't even get their email to load.


    If you have cable on the other hand, it all depends on what you are doing. I have had like 6+ computers on the same cable connection and never had a problem. The only time I couldn't do anything on cable was when I had a roommate that changed some port setting on which computer that made it so he sucked all the bandwidth into his computer to download torrents and my connection went to nothing...couldn't even check my email.

  3. My Internet at work:


    First Test:

    Server: Bangor, ME

    Download: 13522 kb/s

    Upload: 22368 kb/s

    Ping: 22ms

    Distance: <50 mi


    Second Test:

    Server: Bangor, ME

    Download: 23031 kb/s

    Upload: 23610 kb/s

    Ping: 12ms

    Distance: <50 mi


    I have regular RoadRunner at home:


  4. Cheetor1981 = My favorite Transformer character is Cheetor (from Beast Wars: Transformers) and 1981 was the year I was born. Been using it since 1999 or 2000.

  5. Get an early 90s model Plymouth Laser Turbo, Eagle Talon TSI, Mitsubishi Eclispe GSX, or Ford Taurus SHO (preferably that hasn't been beat on). The first three I listed can be made to go stupid fast with little money (just don't be a moron & rice the thing out). The Ford Taurus SHO is more costly to make it go faster but fun none the less. It may look like your Grandma's grocery getter but will blow the doors off people just the same. You could always get a later 90s model SHO, which came with a 3.4L V8 (but auto only & make sure the cams are welded or suffer an exploded motor at some unknown/unexpected point).

  6. :withstupid: I have walked out of Bestbuy and drove 25 miles to Frys to get what I was going to get at Bestbuy for this reason...


    Exactly like what I had mentioned earlier. Retailers need to screw off and I'll buy something when I'm damned good and ready. Let people browse/shop in peace or you'll piss them off and they'll go elsewhere.

  7. I don't like shopping retail for anything that I can buy online. Best Buy & Circuit City are the only places in my area to go other then maybe Staples and the now closing Office Depot for computer related items/electronics. Retail aboard completely over charges for items that are very out-dated. You can buy a 3 year old video card for a couple hundred dollars at a store or wait 3-5 days with free shipping to get a brand new video card that came out within the year for the same price delivered right to you.


    I don't feel sad for any retail company. As a customer at let's say Best Buy, you get swarmed by people asking if you need help...I think if I needed help I would go find someone. On the other hand, there are other stores that when you need help, you can't find anyone who works at the store other than one busy cashier. In my experience as a customer, you either get harrassed to buy stuff or can't get help when you need it...not to mention the over priced yet ancient merchandise.

  8. Does anyone have an idea on how to play Star Trek Armada with someone across the Internet now that Sierra has taken the Star Trek Armada server down?? I've tried using a VPN software like Hamachi (which works for Star Trek Legacy, since that game is buggy for Internet games) but Hamachi doesn't work for Star Trek Armada...or at least I couldn't get it to work.


    Any & all thoughts or ideas are most welcome & greatly appreciated.

  9. I've been in the market for a new desk due to two factors:

    1) My current desk is a small 4 footer with basically no space.

    2) My youngest sister & her friend busticated the built in keyboard tray on it so there is a hole in the center of the desk. (It went from a rectangle to a U-shape.)


    I have been searching everywhere online. Desks are expensive, not very durable, and most are not designed well (lack of storage, work space, etc.). I think I am going to jump on the wagon of people who make themselves a desk. Been thinking of 2x4s and countertop. I was going to use cabinets but they (like desks) are expensive and you don't get much for what you pay for. I have 4 computers to hook up and need a work area, so I think the homemade deal is the way to go (for me at least).

  10. Has anyone seen any reviews of the Antec 900 vs 1200 as far as stock cooling? I was wondering how much better, if at all the stock cooling is, before i shell out the cash.

    Thanks in advace. :thumbs-up:


    I haven't read anything that states one case cools better than the other, except I think I ran across one review on NewEgg about the Twelve Hundred and the person was kinda pissed that the Twelve Hundred was a lot more expensive than the Nine Hundred and it didn't make much of a difference cooling-wise. Then again, people complain for no reason on NewEgg a lot, so it's hard to judge whether this source would be accurate to listen to.


    I bought my bro an Antec Nine Hundred for Christmas from NewEgg when they had Black Friday deals going on and picked it up for like $60. After I bought my bro's case, I picked up an Antec Twelve Hundred for myself for about $100. I spent the extra money over the more inexpensive Nine Hundred for my case because I wanted a large case...I didn't care if the larger case cooled better or not, just wanted a large case.


    The smaller case may hold heat in more than the larger one...then again, it may not. If you like large cases, get the Twelve Hundred...if you can't stand computers the size of a small country, then get the Nine Hundred. I say, go with what fits your budget and what you think you like better. I liked larger cases so I got the Twelve Hundred and my bro liked the Nine Hundred & doesn't like super large cases.


    Sorry if all this is no help.


    Good hunting.

  11. If you hate swapping cards, you don't want to buy a 2900XT, as that means swapping OS' as well :lol: ATI and NVIDIA drivers in one OS don't play nice, you really don't want to do that! Get yourself an older NVIDIA card, maybe a GeForce 6200 or 7300 or something like that.


    Nvidia cards since the beginning of time don't like to play nice with Star Trek Armada. The only one that ever did work well, from personal experience, was an AGP Nvidia GeForce 265. I have never had any issues with an ATI card running Star Trek Armada, AGP or PCI-E.


    This game is awesome and now with a freakin' sweet machine you can finally play it to it's potential. Install Star Trek Armada. Then install the BattleStations 4.3 mod. Then start modding the game yourself. Sure, it'll play on an old machine like a 600MHz, but it goes out of sync a lot if you have too many players and/or too many things built. However, if you serve a game on a sweet new computer, the game plays fine on an older computer no matter how many things are created or how many players there are in the game.

  12. There is a government bailout for the morgage & credit market, then there is a governement bailout proposal for the auto industry......at this rate, there will be a government bailout for the government. People in-charge have such huge egos (government official and business CEOs alike)......they fail to admit that they have no clue what they are doing and need to drastically change the way things work even if it means they take a pay cut to make ends meet & save normal employee's jobs. Seems like all these people running these corporations that are going under would rather go out of business than take a pay cut (which they wouldn't notice the pay cut with the size of the large wad of cash they make for a salary). The World is going straight to hell in a hand basket.

  13. I voted in the 5+ years category.


    I currently have 3 computers (all purchased new):


    Nov 1997 - PI 166mhz came with Win95, went to Win98, now back at Win95

    This computer is still stock.

    **This one is just sitting around at the moment**


    Feb 2000 - Athlon 600mhz came with Win98, now with WinXP Pro

    Purchased a Microsoft Natural Intellitype Pro keyboard & Microsoft Optical mouse before even receiving the computer

    Added two Seagate drives (80GB & 120GB) as secondary storage

    Went from an Nvidia 256 32MB video card to an ATI 128MB (old card started to go bad after about 4-5 years)

    Added an equalizer

    Upgraded from 128MB of RAM to 512MB

    Took out the CD-ROM and just left the CD burner (CD-ROM started to go bad at about 4-5 years)

    **This one is still in use daily**


    July 2007 - Athlon 64 X2 2.1ghz came with Win Vista Home Premium

    Added 2 1GB sticks of RAM

    Added an ATI 512MB video card

    **This one is in use daily**

    **Is going to be retired early as a file server......should have built a computer instead of buying this one**


    Dec 2008 - The Custom Build (Project Big Bertha - see some specs below)


    In between all these, after 2001, I have purchased a few used computers here and there off people for cheap, reinstalled Windows or did minor upgrades then given them to family or friends.


    After years of talking about it, years researching it, and years of helping friends build computers/do it for them......I am finally biulding MY first computer.



    Antec Twelve Hundred case

    DFI BI P45 mobo

    Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 processor

    4GBs of Mushkin Redline RAM

    Arctic Freezer 7 heatsink/fan

    LG DVD burner w/Lightscribe

    WD 1TB harddrive

    Haven't decided on the Video Card yet and I forgot what brand the Power Supply is (I know it's a 750W).

    Putting Windows XP 64 on it

  14. You'll need to get OEM copies, as you have to give the user a disc, and affix the sticker to the system chassis.


    So basically you can purchase a System Builder OEM from NewEgg, install it for them, then they get the disc when all is said & done, then you purchase a new disc for the next computer sale?? Just want to make sure I do it right if I decide to go through with the thought.

  15. Hey all,


    If someone wanted to build computers as a small business and sell them locally......can one purchase a System Builder copy of XP and install it on multiple computers or would you have to purchase a new CD for installation on every computer you were selling??


    Any & all help/advice is greatly appreciated.



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