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  • Computer Specs
    CPU: E7200
    RAM: 2GB DDR2 800
    HDD: 160GB 7200rpm
    Graphics: MSI R4850
    Motherboard: Gigabyte EP45 DS3L
    OS: Windows XP Service Pack 2
    Drivers: Catalyst 8.9

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. what resolution and AA was this on? what framerate did you get?
  2. Equivalent pixels are the same for both resolutions: 1680 x 1050 = 1764000 pixels 1770 x 1000 = 1770000 pixels ill post benchmarks for that those settings when i get home from work in 2 hours
  3. what kind of benchmarks are you getting with your setup? Similar to mine?
  4. You guys are right i am being pedantic i should just enjoy shooting North Koreans lol one thing that does suck is that when im cloaked and I use a scope the FPS drops to like 16 which is kinda gay
  5. thats what i was thinking lol so i guess that i am GPU bound however im not getting the same the same average framerate at a similar resolution as in this test: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/radeon...on,2007-13.html The equivalent resolution is 1680 x 1050 and without AA they get 27FPS however without AA I only get 24FPS average any ideas? Does their faster CPU count for much?
  6. Ill try and overclock the GPU more (to around GPU:700Mhz Mem: 1100MHz) using Catalyst after work this evening and ill post the results. The FSB ratio is at 2:3 i believe ill have to check that and get back to you. Thanks for the tips
  7. Yes the monitor is WS 24" I have overclocked the GPU and Mem and no effect on either benchmark. GPU Overclocked from 625MHz to 680MHz Memory Overclocked from 993MHz to 1050MHz Any more tips? I expected this setup to get around 30 FPS average at this resolution and settings
  8. System: CPU: E7200 RAM: 2GB DDR2 800 HDD: 160GB 7200rpm Graphics: MSI R4850 Motherboard: Gigabyte EP45 DS3L OS: Windows XP Service Pack 2 Drivers: Catalyst 8.9 Crysis 1.1 Benchmarks (Average frames per second): Settings: 1770 x 1000, All High, 2 x AA CPU underclocked @ 2.133GHz Benchmark CPU: Test 1: 22FPS Test 2: 23FPS Benchmark GPU: Test 1: 24FPS Test 2: 25FPS CPU @ stock 2.533GHz Benchmark CPU: Test 1: 22FPS Test 2: 23FPS Benchmark GPU: Test 1: 24FPS Test 2: 26FPS CPU @ overclocked 2.850GHz Benchmark CPU: Test 1: 22FPS Test 2: 23FPS Benchmark GPU: Test 1: 24FPS Test 2: 25FPS Why does CPU overclocking have no effect on this game?
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