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  1. In my bios i have the option to put my HTT drive strength to Strong, given my signature stats and the vast knowledge of the oh so great forum I was wondering if you could lead me in the right direction. I am considering trying this out but I want to know if this could cause damage to my Mobo. Thanks in advance.
  2. No bios or anything shows up on screen so there is no way to test it, I have used the ram in the build before anyways so I know it's not that. The PSU came with the comp and is only 350watts so that may be the problem.
  3. Ok, I am on my second build with my first board( a NForce 4 Ultra )and I hooked it up with the hard drive,a Athlon 3400, my old 7800gt and 1 gig of ram. there is no floppy or cd drive hooked up. The case lights up, the fans are running but no video feed shows on the monitor. Any solutions? I did have a Athlon 64 3700 go out on this board( I forgot to apply thermal paste )could that be a problem? If so I can order another Mobo but I need to know fast because christmas is coming and this is a present for my mother in law. I hope someone hears my distress call.:sad:
  4. Thanks that worked out great, now I have one more question is it better to stay 1/1( I.E. 200mhz ) or go to the pc500( I.E. 250mhz )to get the better overclock? Moving the ram into those slots gave me 3 times the maximum memory bandwidth, I am pumping a max of like 9000MBs now :cool: .
  5. I try not to cold boot often I have been having the cold boot problem even with my corsair xms 3200 stick so I just let it run and I rarely get any real problems with it.
  6. Ok, I have 2 gigs of the stuff, is there any particular way I should install these? Like put one stick in the first slot and the second stick in the third slot or both each one in a yellow slot or each in a orange slot? If I provide for more separation will that give better ventilation for cooling or does the slots read better if installed in certain order.:confused: I am fairly new at this but I am trying to get the best out of my system so if you guys could help me with this I would surely appreciate this. :cool:
  7. :eek2: I read an article that said that no vendors were picking up the chipset, that is why I posted here. Do you know if anyone else is picking up the job for the Intel board? And how long is Intel going to let AMD/ATI make boards for them?
  8. If you have how does it work? Is it compatible with the Cfx-3200 DR MoBo? The reason I ask is because the memory I have is corsair PC 3200 but for 2gig's that has jumped from 199( 159 with 50 dollar rebate)to 299( 259 with a 40 rebate ). Crucial has 2gigs of PC 4000 for 219( 189 after 30 dollar rebate), the way I look at it I can pay less and get more for my money. I will give the 3200 away and just buy 4 gigs of this stuff (I have XP x64 so I can make use of 4 gigs of ram ). Keep in mind that this is 184 Pin DDR we are talking about not 240 DDR2. If any have knowledge on this please pass down the knowledge.
  9. Ok, AMD and Ati had a news confrence with it's investors and one of their claims for the future were that while Nvidia is building their Mobo architecture to support only their SLI they were shooting for an open platform where you can still utilize SLI tech on a AMDATI mobo. They are currently designing intel boards as well for those of you who like intel over Amd or just want the current best cpu available, but though they are willing to make a R600 board for intel it seems none of the vendors are picking up the chipset for the intel chipset therefore it is probly safe to say that there will be no duel card support for ATi on any Intel board from R600 on. My opinion about this is if they can indeed acompish this it makes AMDATI mobo's a more viable choice, if they could keep Intel on board then their boards would be the only choice. If they can come out with clearly dominant GPU/Duel GPU/ and Mobo tech then they can force Intel to come back around. Unfortunately in this case the AMDATI alliance has forced two somewhat bitter rivals to team up together and Nvidia is a worthy competitor so my assertion of the last possiblity will likely not happen. For the short term the question becomes whether you want the better cpu or the better gpu( I think that Ati has the GPU sown up and the R600 will turn what is now a small crack into a small to medium gap), if you go with AMDATI mobo's then you will only be able to use a AMD cpu but if you choose a Nvidia chipset you can use both cpu's but only one gpu( Nvidia's )chipset. This topic is focusing on now to the time where AMD releases their new quadcore chipset which will likely one up the core2 duo( although I suspect that they will be much closer in ability then as compared to the leap frogging the industry has been doing lately) at that time the AMDATI combo will have a clear edge if ATI can maintain and even extend the graphical tech advantage they seem to posess now. Seeing that Gpu is more important to games then Cpu's I would( and have ) choose AMDATI but the question to this topic is what would You choose? It's at AMD.com at the investors section click on webcast at the bottom of the section. There are some agreements that you accept before you listen to it too.
  10. When I look at these chips on newegg I see that the only major difference between these series numbers is either cache or proccesor speed is there any real difference in the design of the chips that make on more effecient then the other? Or are all these chips the same basic design with some minor alterations that increase chip speed, is the duel core chip any different or are they just two athlon64 chips put on one piece of material and bridged together, and finally is the FX series really a different chip design or just the best of the athlon64 series? Right now the way things look the 3500 athlon64 and the 3700 have the same proccesor speed but different cache the same with the 3800 and the 4000. Is the 3700 the 3500 but with 1MB of Cache? If so then is the 4400 just two 3700's put together?
  11. Ok for those of you having problems with the MOBO acting stupid above 55c have you tried 5/23 bios? I finally got my comp to take the bios and it works way better. I still have the cold start freezes mind you but all else is good.
  12. Yeah and it would not let me do that with this Bios but the ones I got from the DFI driver site I can use.
  13. When I downloaded it the download said that it was not x64 compatible
  14. Hey, Angry whas up man-can I get a version of the 5/23 Bios for Windows XP x64?? While I am at it here is a problem from a previous thread I need anwering to about the CF 3200-DR: I know this board is having you hope for Calgon to take you away but I hope you have a solution for my issue before you go.:cool: : Hey Angry, you know the thread" cfx3200DR help my chipset is overheating " Yeckel said h also has the same problem ( making at least three people in the thread including myself ) but he said that he put some aluminum tape over the vents that hang over the chipset from the x1000 series video cards and that brought his temps down into the 40's. Is this a good idea or would this just cause my video card overheating problems? Also what was a problem only when my temps went 50+ is now always a problem I have been playing Oblivion and when I move around in the game somewhat excessively the game gets a little choppy this used to happen only at 50c and up but now it happens at any temp, I know in the thread you said the boards are made to withstand 80C to 90C but this is an issue as I am having this problem myself-do I have permanent damage on my board or is this a problem with my Bios and I need to upgrade to a more steady one then came with the board? Please get back to me as soon as you can , thanks in advance :cool: . This was a PM to Angry but his his message box was full:confused: .
  15. Hey Angry, you know the thread" cfx3200DR help my chipset is overheating " Yeckel said h also has the same problem ( making at least three people in the thread including myself ) but he said that he put some aluminum tape over the vents that hang over the chipset from the x1000 series video cards and that brought his temps down into the 40's. Is this a good idea or would this just cause my video card overheating problems? Also what was a problem only when my temps went 50+ is now always a problem I have been playing Oblivion and when I move around in the game somewhat excessively the game gets a little choppy this used to happen only at 50c and up but now it happens at any temp, I know in the thread you said the boards are made to withstand 80C to 90C but this is an issue as I am having this problem myself-do I have permanent damage on my board or is this a problem with my Bios and I need to upgrade to a more steady one then came with the board? Please get back to me as soon as you can , thanks in advance :cool: . This was a PM to Angry but his his message box was full:confused: .
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