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  1. No. I will get one off a mate to try, but the sound is coming from the actual mobo. When the main supply cable to the mobo is disconnected, there is no noise.
  2. Hi, Today my comp won't turn on. When I turn on the PSU, I get 1 light and a strange noise coming fom the mobo. It's like an intermittant hissing noise!? I'm thinking it could be the mobo that's the problem. Any ideas? Thanks
  3. Yes, air. Using a blue orb. Temps are about 43 on load, 35 idle. I think i might get a proper 3700 san diego, not this damn broken Toledo!
  4. I wander if it could be somthing else that's stopping me. It def isn't the bios settings as I've tested and tested. Maybe the version? Does this make a huge difference?
  5. My stepping is CCBWE. What results have people had with this stepping?
  6. I have a 3700 San Diego, but it'll never go past 2700 stable no matter what I do. Some are just bad overclockers (like mine!) See what stepping you have - it might throw a clue on whether you're doing something wrong or not. A little guide to the best and worst San Diego overclockers - KAB1E - Relatively new stepping, reasonable air overclocker. Expect ~ 2.8GHz KAB2E – Comes in 2 varieties. The older KAB2E’s from mid-late 2005 are decent overclockers which overclock to around 2.9GHz. The newer 2006 KAB2E’s are overclocking like gems at the moment. An example of this is Crash’s and Krunk Kracker’s, which overclock to around 3-3.1GHz. In general KAB2E’s require a lot of voltage to reach the higher overclocks. KAB3E - A better overclocker and much rarer stepping than the older KAB2E’s. They still require larger Vcore’s to reach the higher speeds but expect ~ 3GHz. KABNE – An unusual stepping which is hard to get hold of. It performs similarly to the KAB3E so is capable of ~ 3Ghz. KABYE – Again a rare 3700+ stepping which performs well. Expect ~ 2.9-3GHz KABQE – As with the KABNE and KABYE, the KABQE is a scarce 3700+ stepping but actually overclocks better than the 2 aforementioned steppings. A typical overclock would be just over 3GHz with low Vcore. KACAE - Possibly the best chip for air cooling and can reach very high speeds with low voltage. Most KACAE’s will achieve >3GHz, but some steppings (i.e. the 0602GPMW) are capable of 3.2GHz! Unlike the KAB2E’s they do not seem to scale well with Vcore and tend to perform best when at a lower Vcore. CCBWE - This is an example of an E6 revision 3700+ and is commonly thought of as a Toledo core CPU with one core disabled. A CCBWE will not perform too well on air cooling (around 2.8GHz) but will do very well on sub-zero cooling such as Phase-Change cooling. CABGE - Old stepping which is not as common lately. Just like the Opteron 146 CABGE they are in general bad overclockers which will usually only reach 2.6GHz-2.7GHz. Fear the cabbage! KABGE – Similar to the cabbage above. They do slightly better and overclock to around ~2.7GHz but still don’t come close to the more superior later steppings.
  7. This is whack! My temps are fine so I went for it and upped it to 1.67v - but I can't get it stable!!! It's only at 2670. I read people with the same CPU as me getting 3Ghz at around 1.5v. I've lowered RAM and HTT, so it's not those causing the issues. Any ideas?
  8. Just put it up to 1.65v, and CPU-Z read it as 1.61v??
  9. I've upped the juice to my CPU over the past day from 1.58v to 1.63v, but all the way through CPU-Z and SmartGurdian never showed more than 1.6? Why is that?
  10. Yes, I mean the SPD values. Both stick show the same. What I can't understand is why it's throwing errors at 230MHZ when the timings are more relaxed than they should be. I have emailed G.Skill with no reply yet.
  11. Link to review - http://www.madshrimps.be/?action=getarticl...522&articID=385
  12. Couple of questions about my G.Skill 2GB DDR HZ PC4000 (2x1GB) CAS3 Dual Channel Kit (F1-4000USU2-2GBHZ) 1. How come I get a couple of errors when running memtest @250 on my G.Skill 2GB DDR HZ PC4000, when it's meant to run at 250? 2. CPU-Z shows my memory has timings 3-5-5-10 (default), but when I read up on overclocking it on the net it's down as 3-4-4-8! what's up with that? Thanks.
  13. I see, so does the stepping you have make a big difference?
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