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  1. Did some tests today...I couldn't access to the bios...got the same message "detecting area"...some tips?
  2. The motherboard is out of order, I tried to boot several time and did many cmos but it stops to boot and i get a message "detecting array"...i also got a boot screen with strange symbols... I could access to xp installation yesterday, but i got a new bosd at the end... I don'treally know what to do...but I think i'll buy a new DFI with nforce 4 and a pci express graphic card as soon as possible...the ultra D nforce 3 is rather a strange card....
  3. Ooh I discovered another thing...I've never installed amd 64 driver...is it really important?
  4. Does someone have a link to sata drivers? Can I use this? http://www.station-drivers.com/page/silicon%20image.htm
  5. Dear all, I tried to install windows on my ide hdd but i got some another problem with one of my sata hdd...after having installed some softwares...(drivers, nero, ktv) So I decided to reinstall yesterday...but I got plenty of bosds yesterday evening...So tonight i'll try to ake a new installation on a sata hdd wihout any ide hdd... I'm really feed up mith this motherboad..I hope it'll work... To be continued
  6. Ok so I can install windows on my old ide hdd...I put the nforce drivers and then I plugged both hdds on sata ports? I'm right?
  7. dear all, i'm still in trouble..But i got a clue...I got bsod screen each time 'im using emule... SO what can i do? (Don't say i've to stop the mule...) Thank you in advance for your help In addition I got a new 250gbs hdd which is plugged in the sata 2 port, so I have 2 hdd of 250gbs in sata ports 1 et 2 and an old one in IDE (slave) ---> Problem with sata and ide on nforce 3 boards? perahps we can't mix both?
  8. ok, no problem with the vdimm up to 2.9v ! No more blue screens
  9. OK, I just increase the ram voltage (to 2.9v) gonna make some tests
  10. Ok...When will you receive your new sticks? Tell me more after some tests ! Do you use the 5.10 driver?
  11. Really need your advices...7 reboots in our hour...Time to act !
  12. "Swapping" ? = change satas cable? My Hitachy perahps experiences some problems, I bought a new one on the web...But I'm not really convinced about that...
  13. I used the 5.10 driver and I didn't install gart and ide drive and the network manager
  14. Dear all, Got many blue screen everytime I use my computer... Default Page Area IRQ Less or not Equal IRQ Driver Less or not Equal Bad Pool Header I made an antivirus online = My PC is ok I reinstalled = Nothing changed I think that I have a sata problem, because when I read the error report, it's written nvatabus very often... Ex: So I really need you help, i'm fed up with my pc Config: DFI Lanparty Nforce 3 Ultra D Venice 3200 2 sitcks of 3700 gold OCZ rev 3
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