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  1. Right, done that on a 24 hour CMOS clear. Followed the steps and everything. Still dead as a doormat, with the Hiper 580W PSU, and my GeIL. Also tried it with the 380W and the generic RAM. Still dead. Methinks it's borked.
  2. I'll give that a pop tomorrow. I'll also be stripping it down and putting it together again
  3. The GeIL failed in the furthest slot, and showed one light when in the second furthest.
  4. Gah. Fails to two lights with a 1GB GeIL Value stick in, no beeps. And a cleared CMOS. This has to be the fussiest MoBo I've ever come into contact with, and I thought my SLI-DR Expert in my main rig was a classy lady
  5. Yeah, I can't even get past POST, never mind setting any voltages and whatnot in BIOS. As for the generic DRAM, here's the label on it: Elixir 512MB DDR-400MHz-CL3 PC3200U-30331 The chips themselves say: Elixir 0642 N2DS51280Bs-5T 633233W1BF TW AFAIK, the power cables are connected as per the manual's say-so. I've done this before several times, this is the first time I've ever really come across a problem The 24-pin, the 4-pin (in the area marked out in the manual) next to that, and the FDD connector above the top PCIe slot. The stick itself is in the farthest slot from the CPU (anywhere else from it, it drops to two lights with no beeps). Regardless, before heading out tomorrow, I'll be plopping a stick of my GeIL in there, and see if that works. Thanks for the suggestions and advice everyone - hope I can get this sorted (it's my next door neighbour's son's xmas present >_>) Off to bed now, but if there's any more info that could help you in diagnosing it, please let me know Cheers
  6. I'll give clearing the CMOS a go with some different RAM in there, but I can't actually access the BIOS, per se. Everything is physical so far.
  7. I'm gonna grab an ATI card tomorrow, give that a try. Should that fail, I'll temporarily donate my CPU from my main rig (erk) to this one. Should that fail AGAIN, Mr. MoBo is going back to Mr. Shop, and Mr. FosterK will be getting a refund, and a new MoBo.
  8. Just tried it with different RAM. To no avail. Upon looking at the manual again, 3 lights means that the VGA, RAM and CPU are detected. I still don't know what the beeping is, though. Is there a list of the beep/light patterns published anywhere that I can look at?
  9. Just tried it with a Hiper type-R 580W from my main rig. Still the same problem The beeps are around one second long, with a one second interval, continuously. I've tried moving the RAM around, to no avail. Time to get some new RAM, and give that a go. The fact that it stalls on the third light would imply that it's a GPU based problem, no? I would have thought that despite being a crossfire board, other brands would work...
  10. Just removed the GPU, tried turning it on. Same beeps and light situation. Swapped card into the other slot, same again. I'm guessing the 6200LE is incompatible - but nevertheless, would anyone be so kind as to confirm that, or point me in the right direction?
  11. Just set up the rig as shown in my sig, for my neighbour. Upon boot, I get the first 3 diagnostic LEDs on, and a repeating slow beep. No image output to the screen, either. So if someone could tell me what the slow spaced beeps, and the 3 LEDs mean, or even a possible solution to the problem, that'd be jolly. Cheers.
  12. Awesome! Thanks for the replies guys!
  13. Noo, I'm asking if anyone's had any problems with it, not me. I'm running GeIL Value at the moment.
  14. I'm looking for some better RAM. Anyone had any problems with this Mushkin set, got any advice, etc?
  15. Ack, that means I've got to buy one of these godforsaken cables to connect up the phone ¬_¬
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