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  1. ok, i know this sounds newbish and is really based on a lot of my wishful thinking...but those rca connections in the back...are they for audio in/out only?...because if they are for video too....that would be cool....and the only reason i would assume it is for video is because its yellow
  2. ok...well i really dont know anything more about my RAM than what i've told u so far, pretty much because they dont put the stuff that u are asking for on the box...but i know that the RAM is perfectley fine because i put it in my Dell the system boots up and works without a hitch...i think im gonna go back to the stickies and look at everything and try all that stuff..
  3. ok, first off i would like to say sry for not providing enough information, the memory is actually a PQI turbo stick.. secondly i will note that i will use the information that you guys helped me out with and will definitley be seeing a new PSU as soon as i can scrape together some bucks and wil trade in my memory for another brand...thanx again to everyone that helped.
  4. ok i found the prob!!! not PSU!!! i switched the RAM from my Dell and found that after saving in CMOS it posts...i dont gotta reset jumpers...and the PQI works perfect in my dell....bad news is that the dell ram is crappy and i gotta return get new ram..what works 100% with these boards? anybody know?
  5. ok i cant get to a PSU other than mine for a while so i tried taking the mobo out of the case and using only the neccesary things to get it to work and i have the same prob...i not quite sure, but would a mobo, gpu, stick of ram, and cpu really need more than 400W? i also tried something else i saw on here, pressing insert while turining it on, and i got something that said ntlrd."something" missing....ya sry its not really clear, i just dont remember exactly what it was. but im pretty sure its not PS now although i will still try, and if i cant figure it out im gonna RMA it for a different board cuz im tired of all this and my dad is gonna be mad that i couldnt get it to work lol
  6. ok, so u think its the power supply thats doing this...but then how come it will only post after reseting it?
  7. alright, i tried changing voltages but u cant change vcore or vmemory...so that didnt work...and the 12 hour reset didnt help either, because it still wont post after changing anything
  8. well ok, thanks for a lot of replies... ummm my cpu is not a mobile AMD..i believe that my PS is by raidmax, because it came with a raidmax case...the model number is KY-520ATX..well thats the only number on there....and yes, i do have both the reular and 4pin plugged in....i can get as far as BIOS, but if i change anything it wont post afterwards...i can actually start to install windows, but at a random point it will give me a blue screen with an error...fedora will just give some error saying anaconda(the installer) failed.. ...thats about all i know...about my memory all i know is thats its 512 DDR and made by PQI...thanks ahead for help and i will try to change the voltages..
  9. i added my stats to my sig...im also reading a lot of the old posts and i see a lot of times they reccomend doing a 12 hour reset or something really long, and i was wondering if this has actually helped anyone with the same problem?? or if not what has helped? maybe some help from the DFI guys?
  10. hey, i joined this forum because my lanparty is really . me off....it wont boot up unless i reset the jumpers and if i change anything in BIOS, the screen turns off like the computer is powered off...any help from anybody...its funny because this board is hella tight but seems to have a lot of critical issues..
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