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  1. The computer still runs, I build my new rig, I really dont care about this one. Why do people have to be so insulting? Voice your opinion, be herd, dont make fun of others. In any event, my new rig has a much better power supply from PC power and cooling. I am sad I went with Xfire 3870x2's now, oh well. Live and learn.
  2. Just for kicks I recently took a no name 250 Watt power supply at hooked it up to my machine that I'd talked about earlier. It's been running SI-Sandra "Burn In" for over 120 hours now. There's no sign of wear and tear on the power supply. I've even pulled the power supply out and tested it. My cousin popped it open and took at look at some of the internals of the powersupply; the conclusion: He said it's as good as new. I guess I end this experiment with my cousin saying,
  3. Now, Im even more confused than when I first asked the question
  4. Last weekend I told my cousin Nicky (an electronics engineer), that my computer needed a 500+ watt power supply. He looked at my, sighed loudly and said; what the heck are you talking about? My response to my cousin Nicky was: I have a 5000+ Black edition, AM2+ Mobo from ASUS, 8800GTX, 4 Gigs DDR800, 2x 36gig Raptors, 1x 500 gig storage drives, DVD -/+ RW, and the various fans and such you need to utilize such a system. He laughed at me and told me to cut open a power supply cable. He told me to be careful that I didn
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