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  1. Wow, there is just so much I don't know about Oc'ing. I am going to have to do some digging on this. My test has always been how fast something renders out - so when I do visual effects and compositing - if it renders faster, then the OC'ing I am going to assume is doing its job. Setting the fan to 75-80%?! That is a lot higher then I have it now, which is at the stock of 25%. I will have to do more google research, thanks so much for the time and effort in answering.
  2. Ok, you lost me a little there. - I will have to do some more research. As I said, there are two settings, Memory Clock and Core Clock - which one are you referring to when bumping by 20mhz? Is this something I should do separately or at the same time? If it is separately, as the gap widens between the two, what happens? I am running Fur right now - the temp is rising, but topping out at about 60C for 600mhz. From the quick research I did, it seems like 725 is the topping point for the stock fan. I am still wondering about the memory clock though and how high of a temp is going to be detrimental to my system.
  3. Ok, I do have Precision already on my system. I almost forgot about that. How do I gauge how much to move the core clock or the memory clock? The TEST button is greyed out so I can't use it. But I guess that is for Forceware or something? I don't want to over-do this, but I would like to see some performance increase in using some compositing programs and 3d graphics. How can I test out if I am pushing it too far and what increments? Do I assume I move it up a little and run FUR? Do I move both the Core Clock and the Memory clock at the same time or separately?
  4. I am new to the overclocking of video cards, so I thought I would ask first. I have the Nvidia 9600 GSO (768 mem). http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/257582-33-geforce-9600 So the question is - how do I overclock it? I am running the Ntune 20 minute coarse test right now, but I didn't see anything about overclocking it. It is testing it and it says it is tuning the CPU, the PCI-e and the Memory, but not the GPU - not sure why. Anyway, any help would be great. Thanks
  5. Yes after some more research, I was thinking the same thing. someone told me I should add up all of the components and see what the power supply usage is. Does this ring true?
  6. That is great news for my bank account. I have seen setups with a case and Power Supply for around $50.00! I don't think I would go that cheap, but anywhere in the range of $70-100 for a PS and Case is alright by me. Do the overclockers have to use 500W and up?
  7. Really? That would be great considering that the 600W+ are close to $100.00 bucks for decent ones. Why only 400W if you don't mind me asking? Why are people using 500W-700w?
  8. Sorry about that. Here goes - Right now I have a ASUS P5Q-E motherboard and 8 gigs of Corsair RAM (800mhz) I am still shopping for the CPU (which I think will be the Q6600), a power supply and a case. The video card will probably be the Saphire Raden HD 3870. Just using it for Editing, some animation and compositing.
  9. Thanks for the reply. So 600W is the minimum you would recommend? If I was going to overclock, which I doubt, I wouldn't be pushing things very far.
  10. I am buying the Q6600 and the fan that comes with it. I am using it for NLE and some compositing. I don't intend on overclocking it because I am NOT going to be playing games. Is the STOCK fan going to be good enough? Also, what power supply should I be looking at?
  11. I have a faulty hard drive controller board and want to switch it with a new one, but I am having a hard time finding the firmware of 3.AAC - has anyone attempted this without the firmware being the same? Any tips, advice?
  12. Looking for a Seagate Barracuda hard drive - ST3320620AS 320 gig - Firmware 3.AAC, P/N 9BJ14G-300 I need this exact firmware and p/n number. Used drive is fine. Thanks
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