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  1. My LCD won't give over 60hz. Most LCDs I've seen don't. Some I'm sure do. Also I'm connecting via DVI. I know tearing is nuts with vsync. I already said I tested it with vsync ON and OFF.....the tearing still happens. Goto this thread for a complete log of my problem. Everyone over there is stumped too. I found one guy with the same problem as me. http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthrea...8#post290013828
  2. This happens with my CRT too and on my TV when I use TV out. All my other games work fine other than Doom 3. I'm going to try the thing the second poster suggested and will report back my findings.
  3. AMD 64 3400+ 1 gig of 400Mhz DDR ram Crucial Sapphire ATI X800 XT (VI/VO) Audigy 2.0 60 gig 7200 RPM Western Digital 120 gig 7200 RPM Western Digital Monitor is a 21 inch samsung 213T LCD Motherboard is a Gigabyte K8VNXP I'm using the Cat 4.9 drivers. When I play Doom 3 there is thing annoying jerking and uneven movement. It happens even when FRAPS registers a solid 60 FPS+ and it doesn't matter whether I have v-sync on or off. (It's set to default off in the ATI control panel) It feels almost like a frame skip or stutter (sound doesn't pause though) but FRAPs doesn't register it. How the do I resolve this problem? I installed the tweaks from http://www.beyond3d.com/forum/viewtopic.ph...der=asc&start=0 and downloaded and installed Cat 4.9 It did exactly jack! I still get that frame skip jump thing. It's hard to explain but it's not related to my mouse and it shows even when my frame rate is 60 + fps. It happens even during cutscenes. I know I mentioned some similar issues with Max Payne 2 a few weeks back, but it was VERY VERY subtle....you couldn't notice it during gameplay. This is very noticable and annoying!!!
  4. Actually I found a better solution! If you set GTA Vice City for "Windows 98" compatibility code, the problems goes away even with the frame rate limiter off! You'd think they'd fix this with a patch or at least tell people to use compatibility mode.
  5. Apparently everyone has been telling me in another forum that if I turn off the frame rate limiter that it'll do this. So problem solved. Is it normal for there to be a super short split second pause in the game when a brand new sound is played. (Such as some one something . to you on the street) It's not very noticable and pretty slight, but it's there if you look hard. Am I the only one seeing this? Yes I defraged
  6. Do you guys think that maybe this is the way the game is supposed to be? Seems kinda weird. Has anyone called Rockstar about this?
  7. I'm using the newest ATI Catalyst drivers. Same with Direct X
  8. My draw distance is max. In fact draw distance doesn't even seem to make a .king difference!!!
  9. That's exactly the problem I have! Anyone know how to fix it?
  10. AMD 64 3400+ 1 gig of 400Mhz DDR ram Crucial Sapphire ATI X800 XT Audigy 2.0 60 gig 7200 RPM Western Digital 120 gig 7200 RPM Western Digital Monitor is a 21 inch samsung 213T LCD Motherboard is a Gigabyte K8VNXP I just installed Vice City and I noticed that sometimes there are graphical glitches in the game. Like blurry textures and sometimes polygons are missing, like there would be water on the roads or a wall is missing on the building. Sometimes it corrects itself and the missing polygon "fades" in. Anyone have this problem or know how to fix it? I have frame rate limiter off, set my distance to max, and am running at 1600x1200. I know there is a patch that is supposed to fix graphical glitches. I tried it, and I still have that problem. This is the only game where these kind of glitches happen so I know it's not my graphics card.
  11. It appears I solved my problem. In MOH I had my connection set at ISDN instead of Cable. I changed that and now it works perfect.
  12. What should I check at dslreports.com? My PSU is a 600 Watt Starlogic. The power cables are so craping messy with it that I think it's going to be impossible to get a dedicated line just for the graphics card. There just isn't enough lines to do that. This warping issue isn't the same thing is the subtle stutter I experience. That stutter isn't really noticable. This "warping" is noticable and only happens online. It feels like dropped packets, but if I use the ping command to ping a server all the packets come through 100%. Yes I am behind a router and YES I know how to config MOHAA, I've been using it for years. This just cropped up. Also I already did that ping command....no packet loss. You did it wrong too. Should be ping google.com -t
  13. Yes I did a complete format. I doubt it's my graphics card because I had the same problem with my 9800 pro it seems when I upgraded.
  14. No I'm not running a wireless network. I do have vsync on....I'm not taking about "tearing". Warping is when a player suddenly "jumps" ahead a few steps rather than moving forward smoothly. This happens usually when there is packet loss, but I do not see any evidence of packet loss. I've pinged several servers using the "ping" command and no packets were ever lost.
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