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  1. The Fallout hype train is effectively out of control, after Bethesda dropped a major teaser earlier today. The studio released an image of a black and white television test pattern through various social media accounts, each bearing the message and hashtag "Please Stand By." The link that accompanied these posts leads to none other than the official Fallout website, where the same image awaits visitors. In addition to the Indian-head test pattern, the site also features a countdown that ends tomorrow morning at 7:00 AM PDT. What happens then is anyone's guess, though just about everyone is expecting (or hoping for) a Fallout 4 announcement. Another, less exciting speculation involves a possible HD remake of Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. This year marks the first time Bethesda will be holding their own press conference at E3 in Los Angeles. As such, fans have been throwing around rumors of every possible major announcement they can think of, from a new Fallout to a Dishonored sequel. The studio has been mostly quiet on the matter, except when dispelling misinformation. Rumors going as far back as 2012 place Fallout 4 in Boston, picking up during or after the events of New Vegas. An anonymous source on Reddit claimed Bethesda was doing research on the New England region and working closely with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Source: Twitter Back to original news post
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