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  1. Q6600 vs. E8500 26 of 59 seemed to favor the Q6600 over the E8500 (stock). 16 of 59 seemed to favor the Phenom 9600 over the E8500 (stock). I've seen the Q6600 at $254+ (US) and it appears the E8500 will be around $300 (US) (not 100% sure on this price). Also, Intel has said that it will be dropping prices on a few of there processors, including the Q6600 (down to about $240 (US), April 20th I think, have to find article again). I was going to ask if everyone really felt the Q6600 was the better... but after typing this all, I think I am starting to see just that. I only mentioned the stock E8500 as the OC E8500 should be compared to a OC Q6600. From what I understand, the Q6600 has a good amount of head room as well. Even if the Q6600 doesnt have as much room as the E8500. Okay, straighten me out... Do I understand this correctly, more or less? Q6600 is still the better of the two... and the next thing to really look foward to is the C2Q 8xxx series (without dropping +$500 for a faster or even extreme series)? Also, if I do have this right, wouldnt the last quoted statement be a bit off, since it appears to be cheaper?
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