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Anyone remember TOG'Ls


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Man, I loved my TOG'Ls.




I started collecting them in small sets from Frosted Flakes cereal. Just before I out grew them I had well over 2000 parts. My mom made a special bag that laid out into a six foot circle for me to play with them on. When I was done I just pulled the string and it closed up into the bag so I wouldn't lose them. Actually, I think she did it so she wouldn't step on them. Those sharp corners could do some damage to your feet.

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Man, I loved my TOG'Ls.


Never had TOG'Ls, but I love the story ... sounds like your mom was smarter than all of us.


I've always been fascinated with how each of us is, really, just a collection of stories like that. In my experience, it's not the heroic moment, but the smaller everyday hum that defines each of us.

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Tinker Toys were great but the ends of the rods would break. My Dad showed me how to use a hacksaw blade to cut new slots in the end so they would fit into the holes.


Erector Set was my personal favorite. Sharp metal objects taught me lots of safety as a kid.


Lincoln Logs were my first after regular toy blocks.


I guess it helped having a Mom who was a Girl Scout leader and a Dad that was a Practical Mechanic.

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Erector Set was my personal favorite. Sharp metal objects taught me lots of safety as a kid.




If you were really lucky you had the big set with the electric motors,pulleys and extra stuff to build with. My dog took a beating with some of the things I built with mine !

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That's freakin' funny! I actually built a cat trap with my Erector Set. My Mom raised Siamese cats as a hobby. There were always kittens running around the house and I didn't like it when they went in my room and climbed on my stuff.


I had all the motors and pulleys. My Uncle showed me how to use async motors from electric clocks to power stuff right from the wall(sooo dangerous).


The trap worked great on the kittens but when momma cat got caught in the trap she lost it and bent the crap out of it in an escape bid. Learned a valuable lesson that day, don't piss off momma cat. lol

If you were really lucky you had the big set with the electric motors,pulleys and extra stuff to build with. My dog took a beating with some of the things I built with mine !

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