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SLI-DR Floppy Drive Problem + 2 more questions

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I've tried reversing the cable on my floppy drive to the motherboard and what not and the light on the drive still stays on and says floppy not inserted when i try to use it. What's going on?




with my current PSU could i run another 6600gt just fine or do i need to get a bigger one?


what's a good defragmenting program?



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your psu should be able to handle another 6600GT (check the 12v amps and let us know what it is on the psu)


as for floppy...make sure power cable is in correctly, floppy cable is in correctly on both ends (mobo and at floppy drive) and then try a different floppy cable if that doesn't work.


try the drive on another board too to make sure it still works


defrag program = WindowsXP has one built in.


you dont need any third-party defrag program.

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I've tried reversing the cable on my floppy drive to the motherboard and what not and the light on the drive still stays on and says floppy not inserted when i try to use it. What's going on?




Look at yout little copper connections that make a right turn into the floppy connector from the mobo. I just had the same problem and upon inspection with a magnifying glass I could see one of the pins was pushed back out of the yellow shell just a little. After I wiped the beads of sweat off my brow, I took a small screwdriver and (wipes more sweat off his brow) and very carefully pushed it back into position like the others. Their tough little buggers, but it will go back into place. If that dont work threaten it by hovering a glass of water over the mobo with the power plugged into it. DFI might look into this as maybe a manufacturing defect, and consider just using a straight connection instead of the "out the side" setup.

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My first SLI-DR had a failed Floppy controller. I know this because everything else (cables and drive) is being used on my new board with no problems.


It occassionally spun up the disk and on a few occassions gave a dir list and copied a couple of small files, but mostly it just seeked for ages (noisely) and then timed out.

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