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what's up with the "athlon64 support up to 3700+"

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I've just got me a new Lanparty ultra -d board, and when reading on the box, drooling all over it, I stumble upon a little text telling me that it only supports up to amd athlon64 3700+. It kind of bothers me since I've got a 3800+ who is on it's way through the mail..

I know it's a newbie question.. but will this be a problem for me?

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no, your fine...i dont even think u need to update the BIOS to go higher (ships on 1/25 most likely)...maybe someone else knows why they say that...but your fine...(BTW, update to 3/25 BIOS when you can, its a lot more friendly for memory!!)


Have fun!

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Cardboard boxes are printed by the thousands and thousands before boards are ever built and are not the be-all descriptor of anything. They are printed before many parts are ever even developed or released such as a cpu. If you read the critical stickys at the tops of the forums which by their very description as critical you will see an updated list of cpus supported by the boards. There is an updated description of the cpus supported on the DFI website for that board as well because I see people email and ask should they believe the 'box' or the updated website. Wowwee.


Here is a link to some real world 4000+ goodness as posted by our own AG.


That is about it as I understand it.



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:) KooL man you is going to be a true asset to this here forum. The sticky's truly are a real pointer in the correct direction. Sometimes the emails we get from DFI engineering; go straight into the sticky's and can save hours of frustration and dismay.


Luck man and happy putering.




Man you guys are fast to reply!

Thanks a lot for your help, and I promise I'll be a good boy from now on and start paying more attention to the critical stickys :)

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