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nF3 SATA (Non-Raid) XP Pro Installation Conflicts

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Hi all,


In my search for the fix to my problem I luckily stumbled onto your site so I figured I'd see if I could find some answers.


For the last three days I have been trying to install my SATA drive on any of the four sata ports. I've had the help of three of my buddies and we have not been able to figure out what is wrong. Every combination that we use to install windows ends with a complete black screen when windows is starting up to install. At F6 we have tried installing WD's Sata drivers and files begin to load to the ram but when it says windows starting... the screen goes completely black and the system freezes. We've also monkeyed with BIOS settings. We tested the ram with memtest and it checked out fine. We even loaded knoppix I think this is a driver issue but I have no idea where to go. The MB recognizes the Harddrive and everything. I'm looking for recommendations for drivers and BIOS settings. I'd like to think this isn't a hardware problem. I've scoured this forum but haven't had much luck finding something exactly like this. Any help is greatly appreciated.




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Need more details here. Why RU using F6 if it is not a raid. On boot screen do you see ur drive listed? and installing Win can and have formatted the drive? WD's have quirks. Being a sata U prob don't have jumpers ?? U got another Hdd to try?

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I could try another HD but i'd prefer to hold off on that unless I really have to. In the BIOS setup my SATA drive is recognized. I thought that drivers would have to be installed from WD for it to be recognized. Then I started looking for Marvell and Nvidia drivers. Then I heard something about looking on the DFI Utility CD for a couple of drivers but I couldn't find anything relevant. The drive is recognized though and we even ran DBan on the drive to make sure that it was completely wiped clean. Every time it gets to the "Windows starting..." screen, the monitor goes black and the system seems to just freeze and go nowhere.

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