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Damnit I am a little late. Mushkin and newegg.

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I was getting ready to purchase some new memory and I was set on getting the mushkin LII V2 3200 sticks but I see that a 1g 512X2 capacity is 241.00 and buying the stick seperately cost 102.00 each. Here is the stupid question. Does any body think there will be a differece getting the 2 sticks seperately @$102.00 each. Or should I get the dual chan Pack for 245.00? Dual chan pack



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i would go with the dual pack...most likely they are matched.


i just bought this ram 3 days ago. 199 plus 20 mail in rebate*free bag. check at newegg.com


179.99 and free shipping



*2 minutes pass...


ah...i see they just changed it....now 241 -20 rebate plus free notebook bag.


damn how their deals change overnight.....any idea why they do that? thats a big difference in price.

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These are supposed to be very good TCCD too: http://www2.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp...N82E16820144332


Review here: http://www.anandtech.com/memory/showdoc.aspx?i=2174


The MUshkin is reviewed there also but the date of the review is old and when Mushkin wasn't using Brainpower PCB. The newer stuff does and should clock well. I was able to get in on the deal, but the Ultra-X looks great too and is on the DFI Ultra-D recommended list....


m :)

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Thanks for that input. I read the same review, and was not aware that Mushkin had revised the PCB. BTW, I think OCZ uses Brainpower too.


Even then though, you do get OCZ support right on this forum, which may be a nice asset.


I am going through the memory selection process too, it is tough..


Edit to Mucker post..


Opps I didnt see that, EXCELLENT price for TCCD.


Thanks for posting that...

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"I was able to get in on the deal".


yea, Rgone recommended them at the perfect time in another thread to me. otherwise i'd still be searching. i was not aware they used the brainpower pcb...cool. another thing to be happy about. sorry to hijack the thread.


anyway, looking over older threads it IS always recommended to get the 2 sticks at the same time, for the reasons listed above.

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