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X850XT or 6800GT on Ultra-D

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Hey guys...


Just wondering what u think will be better?


X850XT = AUD690

6800GT = AUD600


I'm gonna try modding the ultra-D to SLI... but i don't see myself getting an extra card for SLI anytime soon...


it's a tough choice... when other cards like x800xl and x800xt pci express is there too


X800XL = AUD495

X800XT = AUD630


what do you guys think?


if i get an ATI card.. i will have an option to go AMR as well but there's no results to prove that AMR will be quicker.... hopefully the x850 won't be like nvidia card "SLI version" and "non SLI version"

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SLI=1200AUD. Being able to play a handful of games with 10-15FPS more than on the X850XT for under 700AUD=priceless.


Seriously, SLI is great in theory but expensive and doesn't work with all games. If it works, it gives you 10-15FPS max more than the X850XT.


On top of that CSS and HL2 is optimized for the ATI line of cards and performs with them much better than with nVidia chipsets. I have 2 computers, one with a GF6800GT and one with the X850XT. In CS:S Stresstest, the GT gives me a good 130FPS, the X850XT gives me 200FPS. You be the judge.

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but the price difference... =/


i am thinking the x850xt already.. but just need some feedback from some of the members here and see what they say...


oh.. thanks ScYcS for the quick reply.. appreciate the advise given

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One more thing to keep in mind. SLI can be a problem with 2 nVidia cards on the mobo. Depending on the card coolers, they might not fit. Also keep in mind, even IF you can mod your board to SLI, then you still won't have the bridge to connect them. Of course, question is why you would buy a 1200AUD Videocard if you don't want to shell out $50 more for a "real" SLI board.

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I'll try to mod it... and i'm trying to get a bridge.. if i can get a bridge then i'll get another card later on.. but if not then i'll just leave it as it is..


i have another SLI-DR coming... then i might sell my ultra-D off

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Well, either way, both cards will perform very good in todays games. None of the will be a letdown. I'm not biased towards any of the two big videocard makers and have no problem getting either one. If you're really tight on money, go for the cheaper one. If you can spare the 90AUD to go with the X850XT, then by all means, go with that one.


Thing is that ATI will release a new core middle to end of this year. That core is supposingly faster than even 2 Ultras in SLI. It's a tough call and it's always the same question: Should i invest in a top line card now and wait? Well, if you wait, there's ALWAYS something new right around the corner.


Try reading reviews, comparisons etc and make up your own mind. Gather info and decide what is most important for you.


Those will help decide:







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i thought any ATI pci express will be able to run AMR?


the R520 is rumoured to have 24pipes and some even say 32.... which i think is quite bull.... but i'll see when it's out... i can afford the extra AUD90.. but that will mean i'll get my watercooling AUD90 late

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Well, AMR is not really anything that has to do with the Videocard but with the Chipset on the motherboard and the drivers, so you're right about that. However, ATI mentioned that they'll release the new chipset togehter with the new r520 core, which btw really has 32 pipes and only 24pipes enabled initially.

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