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VDimm Mod/Bypass/Booster mod

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I have a 640 doing 4500 and I'm realy happy about this boad.

It's just a pitty she doesn't let me pass 280 FSB, playing with the 14 x multiplier.

Even with the 16 x multiplier, I'm almost sure it's the board that's holding the results down. Maybe another BIOS...

I have here a hardcore OC CPU... :nod:


Anyway, I was wondering if there is a way of making a kind of bypass around the overvoltage protection in order to use a OCZ Booster.

I also read some place that there is a mod to be done directly on the the booster.

I'm hopping someone knows anything about this.


Other question...

If I decide to make the VDimm mod, isn't there any trouble with the overvoltage protection? I've seen the pictures but nobody is talking about de OVP issue.


I have a pair of 512 OCZ 4400 Gold sticks doing 280 @ 2,5-4-3-5 @ 3.0 volts but I would like to try some OCZ 4000 VX pushig the CAS down to 2... :P



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