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DFI SLI-D and G.SKill 4800la again

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Hi !


I spent the last two days getting my rig stable but nothing seems to work.


Ok, here we go: I have a DFI nforce4 sli board an G.Skill LA. The CPU is a Winchester (0448SPAW) and it definitely is Prime stable @ 2,73ghz. But when i try to run 300HTT x 9 with the memory 1:1 Prime not even lasts 30seconds, till an error appears. I tried so many ! settings on the ram, but nothing seems to work. Tried all latencys from 2,5-3-3-6 to 2,5-4-4-8 (everything @2T, 1T doesn't work at all , only god knows why) I also tried the setting from the BIOS Screens which are posted in the g.skill forum. Tried the Voltage from 2,7 to 3,1 but nothing works. Also tried all different types of BIOS which are available for my Board. How can i get my ram working at least at 2T (1T would be wonderful). Plz help me out !

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well...thats what i thought, but the memcontroller doesnt seem to be very good. Could have higher clocks on my ram with my old 3500+ winchester. And I didn't get my 0448spaw stable with more than 2730mhz. With my 3500+ i could do 2680mhz, so im quite diappointed. I have a really good water cooling and i actually wanted to break the 2,8ghz barrier :(


@Charbroil: Couldn't go any further with your settings, didn't help me to get stable. I think my mem controller is crap...this could be a reason right ?

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