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Nf3 Ut Sata Ch 3+4 Errors+hangs Raid

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First I thought it was my IDE/SATA converters with my IDE Maxtor 40 gig hdds that caused these errors on ch's 3+4 trying to set up a raid. So I just got 2 new 80 gig Seagate Cuda's native sata w/ NCQ . Having same problem. Sometimes it will boot fine, and sometimes it hangs DETECTING RAID, shows an error, reboots and then shows healthy. I'm running the Maxtor/converter Raid on ch 1+2 16k x 16k for a month with no probs and even formatted the new SATA raid from it. I am aware that OC will be a problem on ch 1+2 so I'm stuck in the mud. Any clues here, and yes I have been searching.

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Don't think I understand what you mean by this ch's 3+4 trying to set up a raid.? Trying to set up raid OR raid is setup and you get a detection error of the drives when hooked up to sata ports 3 and 4.


Need to make sure it is not a sata cable problem as some NF3 that shipped with the yellow cables have given problems with the cables themselves and also you need to check and see if either New drive is detected correctly at each boot when on sata port #3.



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I stand corrected Rgone, yes I had a problem detecting one of the drives on the first boot when attempting to create the raid. Booted the second time and was able to create raid 0, and yes I am using the yellow cables that came with board. I will swap them with another set, and try to dectect 1 drive at a time on ch 3. and start over. Thanks for replying.

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