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RAM again!

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First post here... Looking to get a ultra-d myself...seems like an awesome board but I am kind of spooked by the RAM horror stories. This is going to my first build so I was wondering if someone can help suggest some 1gb dual channel RAM for the comp that's around $100-150? Hopefully 150 can get me out of the value RAM range that many people have problems with? Thanks.

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I'm using corsair value ram ($85) with no problems. I'm also using a 20pin 380watt PS (24amps on 12V).

The one BIOS value I had to change was Max Asynch Lat = 7 to run up to 2.2ghz.

To OC to 2.5ghz I had to change to most of the values listed in Rgones sticky post on the overclock forum.



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i would have to go with value vx or pc 3200 gold...like ryderocz pointed out...the value vx is relatively cheap around 140 for 2x512 with winbond UTT chips that do very well @ 2-2-2-5. The gold on the other hand also does around the same...but @ 200 for 2x512, apparently vx is better than gold but the vx is really "untested" because it just uses the same components as the higher end vx pc3200 and vx pc4000 and sold as cheaper value ram

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What Mrzzz is trying to say is...


In spite of the official recommendation of DFI regarding the power supply, he got lucky.



In spite of the results of many forum members regarding the use of value RAM in the nF4 motherboards, he got lucky. See the sigs of members that are not having problems with RAM.


In spite of the forum rules regarding image size, he's lucky that AG hasn't found this post yet.



Do you feel lucky?




Just noticed that his speed claims are misleading. The FSB is at 250 with a 10X multiplier so the CPU is running at 2.5GHz but his memory is on a divider so it's only running at 208MHz.


Just making sure all the facts are presented.

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Question about buying Value VX...how come the CAS latency for ATAcom's is 3-4-4-8 while Newegg's exact same product number is 2.5-3-3-7? Is there a difference in the chips? Is one older or something? Thanks for all the responses. Love the people on this forum.

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