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Wow i wish i could understand

Guest DrAgO_merged

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Guest DrAgO

K i ainta big overclocker but i plan to learn it, first question is what the heck is 2-2-2-7 or w/e what do those numbers mean?

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Guest DrAgO

Ok ive read that trying to get a grip off what its trying to say, but here is my main question:


Do these set automatically? if u dont want to adjust them... like say i put some ram in... it will set them to default?

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the default setting is determined by the SPD on the RAM and will run without touching anything




that depends on if the mobo and RAM get along. Some more reading and you will discover that Hynix based chips don't work well, but Samsung TCCD and Winbond based ones seem to work...

check this link to get an idea which ones are which:



as for myself, I used TCCD based OCZ ram - i just put it in and it worked at stock, but to overclock, one must play with the default settings.

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Some of the memory timings are determined by the memory maker so they can turn good chips into cr@p. Avoid corsair. Get some OCZ REV2 or better if you want to be safe. The best way to learn it is just to do it after a little reading. It makes a lot more sence once you get the board running.


It is rare for someone that want to learn fo have serious problems but the people that know it all seem to get stuck.


Feel free to PM me when you get started if you need any help or post of cource. I have odd hrs so it might take a wile for a responce.

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