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4400 The definitive answer


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Hey, wondering what you other guys running 4400 are using as your settings? I havent found any settings that will clear even one pass of memtest without hundreds of errors. I'm running at 280*9 atm and my comp is pretty stable and speedy but im guessing theres some more speed to be had if i get rid of those hundreds of errors.


Cheers for any input, Urz.

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I'm running precisely the same settings as you. 280x9, currently. Since I'm not really worried about breaking records, but 300 just "looks" cool, I'm going to gradually bump to 300x9 (pretty sure my 4000+ will do it, it's on h2o, if not, 300x8 will suffice for me). How well do these work with .5's on the multis?

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Yeah 300 would definitely be sweet. dont know about sacrificing multi's for it though! Tbh i've never seen anyone with a .5 multi in their sig, cant see why not though, guess people like whole numbers :nod:


anybody care to share their 4400 ras's and cas's?

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I previously had some XMS 4400C25 and the only way I could get it stable at 280x9 was to disable bank interleave which is a pretty substantial hit to bandwidth. It just refused to run stable with that setting enabled regardless of how loose the timings were. That prompted me to switch to the OCZ RAM in my sig. It runs just fine with this setting enabled and at a bit tighter timings than the Corsair would do even with bank interleave disabled.

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Don't use the .5 multipliers!


There is a thread here somewhere search for it explaining it but basically it artificially sets a ram to fsb multiplier which lowers your ram fsb when you use a .5 multiplier.


Basically 250x9.5 runs at 237x10 in reality.

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