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Higher Ram speed or processor speed?

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Hi, I bought some cheap Kingston Value Ram because I wasn't planning on overclocking. With the ratio at 1:1 (Dram/Fsb) I can only get 209 on the FSB Bus frequency. But if I change the ratio to 9/10 (180 Mhz) I can get the FSB Bus Frequency up to 247 and still be stable. Is it faster having my Athlon 64 at 2009 Mhz and my ram at 200 or my Athlon 64 at 2470 Mhz and my ram at 180?


I'll get some nicer ram in the future, but for now I just want to get the maximum speed possible.


And also, what's the best overclocking ram for under 250 bucks (1 Gig)?

And is 2 sticks of 512 better or 1 stick of 1024?

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How about you set your FSB to 250 and your multiplier to x10. That will give you 2500mhz cpu speed. Set you dram ratio to 166(5:6) a.k.a 9:11. That will give your ram about 204.5mhz ddr409. You say your ram can take 209 so this should work. You should check your cpu temperature though. If you dont have a good cooling system then u might not want to run you cpu at too high a speed.

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I have an xp120. It runs 28 C on idle at 2.4 Ghz, so cooling isn't a problem. So I guess you're saying its slightly better to have your CPU higher and your ram lower.


Anyone have som ram recomendations?


I was thinking of this stuff:http://www2.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp...N82E16820146845


anyone used it? Had any problems with the NF4 boards & how well did it perform?

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I have an xp120. It runs 28 C on idle at 2.4 Ghz, so cooling isn't a problem. So I guess you're saying its slightly better to have your CPU higher and your ram lower.


Anyone have som ram recomendations?


I was thinking of this stuff:http://www2.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp...N82E16820146845


anyone used it? Had any problems with the NF4 boards & how well did it perform?


Don't overlook this stuff: http://www2.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp...N82E16820146355


For $180 AR, it is TCCD on Brainpower PCB. Could very well be the best bang for TCCD buck...


EDIT: DEALS OFF, LOOKS LIKE NEWEGG REALIZED TCCD ON BP PCB DOESN'T SELL THIS CHEAP (YET) Glad I got in on the deal before the realization... :P


m :)

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Well in my opinion, if you are willing to spend 250 for some ram, then you may as well invest a little more. Because OCZ just release some pc5000 ddr625 memory that is design just for dfi NF4 boards. You could prolly pull some 400+ mhz FSB speeds! :P :cool: I'm going to be buying some soon. :nod:


Heres a link.


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