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Questions about HDD and Optical drive wires....

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Hey everyone, So far I got the motherboard mounted, the cpu and heatsink in, and the PSU in. Also, got the hard drive hooked up.


I just have a question about the cables they give you with the motherboard. The big thick yellow ones: There are 2x of the same kind of cable with 3 connections, then there is 1 big long yellow cable with only 2 connections.



I wanted to know what were they for, and which part of the cable hooks the the PSU and all that jazz, other then that.. everything is going smooth.





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wait, I think that was a stupid question right... I dont know... Im sorry im insulting your intelligence, but you can say im the noob of all noobs when it comes to this stuff... So maybe I am serious.



Im guessing the power supply has a hook up to the hard drives and optical drives.. Am I right on that?



Im sorry, dont be mad at me =[

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im not mad, im just making sure you are not pulling my leg as you have a detailed list of hardware in your sig, so i assume that you know at least the basics of computers and putting one together.



the hdd's have a 4-pin molex connector that gets plugged in from the power supply. Some hdd's have a flat black power connection (only the SATA drives) and can use a SATA power conenction from the power supply (only one or the other though).


THe 24-pin main ATX power block can only accept another 24-pin ATX power connection.


the square 4-pin 12v cpu power connection can only accept a specific connection from the power supply.


the 4-pin molex connection on the board requires a 4-pin molex connector from the psu to be plugged into it.


the floppy power connector on the board requires the floppy power connection from the psu (your psu should have two of these, one for the floppy drive itself, one for the power connector on the motherboard between PCI-E slot and cpu)


your 6800GT should have a 6-pin PCI-E power connector and your power supply should have a single line with an 8-pin PCI-E power connector and a 6-pin PCI-E power connector. Your 6800GT might have a single 4-pin molex connection, I cannot say since I have never owned one.

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