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nF4/A64 3200/TwinX 3200XLs

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Hi guys -


I am very impressed with the ram.


Having dropped my cpu multi to 6x

Upped volts a bit

2.5 - 4 - 4 - 8

Started on 200FSB, ran three passes of memtest, then pushed it up 5, three passes, and so on.


Got to 275 before memtest fail.

A little more voltage, and on up to 300 then failed.


Happy with FSB295 (who wouldn't be on this ram) so went for a look at the cpu.

I haven't performed a more strenuous test yet, as I'm waiting on a better psu, will then.


But have hit a bit of a road block here.


Tried these timings, looked at stock 2-2-2-5, etc, up to 2.5 - 4-4-10.

Found good stability with 2-3-3-7, but only to 240x10.


Didn't like 9x multis.


Tried interleave both enabled and dissed.

:confused: Tried many options, but really want to connect with another Corsair XL / A64 3200 / nF4 user, if there is another, hehe :confused:


This is my first overclocking attempt, and I've been reading heaps and am feeling a need to check what might be a good set of timings/mobo settings, to start with.


I am totally aware that my troubles may be stemming from my 20pin 350W psu's inadequacies.


This will be rectified asap, but as I have become aware that each set of ram is so individual that I can see how great it would be to talk with another Corsair user.


And, yes, I have posted on their forum site too.

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