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(nF4 ) RAM stability - psu?

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As usual, another psu question, but don't fear boredom, I'll help you straight off by letting you know I'm AWARE and OCZ 520W will be here this Friday, hopefully.


OK, so my question is this :


My RAM is Corsair TWINX 1024-3200XL v1.2 :nod:


So, I've got to 290FSB on Memtest stable with real low cpu multi, to test how the ram overclocks, and gotta say I'm impressed, as reading some reviews can see these are going beyond many similar sticks.


I'm still pretty new to this scene, so still feeling my way along, and I've tried heaps of different numbers and I'm having truoble getting past 220FSB on cpu multis of 9x, 10x and have been thinking that as I've read so much about the inadequate psu being the culprit for instability issues, could this be the case here too?


Is this the type of issue meant?

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There are multitudinous issues streaming from inadequate PSUs. This could be one of them.

Both VCore and VDIMM need a jump when pushing the RAM.


Thanks for your thoughts guy.


I realise this was a bit of a pointless post, but important to me, just to affirm to myself that I am comprehending.


I will soon not have to worry about this, and can start to play MR.OVERCLOCKER, again, but my girlfriend thinks I look silly in my cape and all :nod:

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