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What do you use your computer built with DFI for?

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What do you use your computer built with DFI for? For instance, do you just OC it and have a 2nd computer that is used for to game, email, code, etc. Or is it your main machine and you do everything on it?




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I guess I was wondering whether you had different boxes for each. For example, the computer I'm building (in sig) I want to use for gaming and OCing. I currently have a crusty Dell that I use for database work, Macromedia, and Photoshop, usually because I have 4 or more programs running at once.



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I use mine for OC'ing and gaming...definately those are top priority. Dip into photoshop occasionally, or put a movie through it so I can still watch on TV w/ my video card, but use my PC's 5.1 surround :nod:

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The nF3 250Gb is the backup and encoding rig at the moment. It's the analog input on my Samsung 191t LCD so it's easy to switch back and forth. It has the 300GB array for holding copies of my media files until they are burned.


The UT nF4 SLI-DR is the browsing, gaming and work rig at the moment. Since I only have one 6600GT, I use the dual display feature. The Sony CRT is on the left side with the Taskbar and all of my program icons. The DVI output drives the Samsung LCD directly in front of my position. I use the large display area to keep multiple pages open when working on web content, browsing and gaming. Additionally, I'm still in the testing and evaluation phase so it can go down at any time for a refit.


In the future the nF4 rig will get one of the hot new CPUs when the become available and an additional 6600GT for gaming. The nF3 rig will become my dual display unit again since SLI only supports one display.

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To drive me insane.


To be honest though once I get this thing going it will be for general internet and e-mail as well as some Cad/Cam work.



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Probably i spend more time than anything on the web, be it looking for information, or going through my favorite forums. Tonight the DFI spent 4.5 hours of constant video encoding (good way to check your OC stability, lol). I also like to play the FPS games like HL2, Doom, and etc.


So, this PC does a little of everything, and want it to do it all well, without a large cost.


My DFI board has been the best one i have ever owned, not a hint of problems. And thanks to Angry_Games/Rgone and all the fellow members here for the good support. Really helped me out in getting things moving fast with the OC.

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You can tell the pr0n lovers by their 200GB drives :)


Ho#1 - stays at work and if for gaming when the customers or employess get bored.

Prolly 50% gaming, 30% INternet, and 20% media ripping and PLayback.


Ultra-B - is a bedroom pc and spare. (Needs a 200GB drive)


Ho#2 - Is plugged intomedia system and 36" Pana


The 64 is used for everything. including back up of the other PCs.

(may need a 200GB Drive for that also)

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