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got a problem - dead bios?

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so i got my DFI NF4 ultra D board in the other day, installed it (AMD Athlon 64 3200+ (2.0ghz),and everything worked perfectly. i ran it for a few days, then did some overclocking. i pushed my FSB to 205 and ran it for about 8 hours perfectly. then, out of curiousity, i pushed it up to 220 (mistake, i know), and when i tried to power on, it would POST, then reset and try again, over and over. i dropped my FSB back down to 205. this time, it got past the POST, but then my monitor went blank and stayed there before loading windows. next time i tried, it gave me the option to load windows in the last configuration that worked, but it did the same thing. is my bios corrupt?

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Good.. and welcome to DFI-Street.. :)


When you get home clear the cmos and see how it goes..




Unplug the PSU..


Hit the power button a few times to discharge whatever power that might be lingering in the system..


Move the cmos jumper to clear.. And remove the cmos battery..


Wait a few minuites..


Put back the cmos battery.. and move the jumper to normal position..


Plug in the PSU..


Power up and goto bios ( If you can..;) )


Load optimized defaults.. saveexit..


Go right back to bios and if it seems fine then set it up like you normally do..



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thanks man. i'll try that and edit this post when i get home.


EDIT: I reset the cmos and it ran perfectly, as expected. the only weird thing is that it never showed signs of a corrupted bios. it would make it all the way through POST, but windows would never load.

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