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[Resolved] Confused??? Shrunken BIOS post screen

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When i o/c over 2.2GHz, the first BIOS post screen appears tweaked. The left side doesn't start at the left edge of the screen, but instead it's indented about 2" to the right.


The funny thing is, is that the system passes dual instances of P95 for 24+ Hours, Memtest 1.51 for 4+ hours, 3dMark2005, SuperPi 32M, and various games, with zero errors.


Is my board bad? Or does anyone have any ideas about this? Should I upgrade to the new BIOS, since I'm ussing TCCD Memory?


Dazed and confused...

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Big question. Is this a CRT or LCD we're dealing with?


For a CRT, you will have to adjust the display using the front panel controls to get the image centered.


For an LCD, you should be able to hit auto-tune from the front panel or through the menu.

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it's an lcd screen. and it has nothing to do with the monitor, video card, or diplay settings. this ONLY happens when i overclock past a certain point, and it only happens to the first BIOS post screen; the second BIOS post screen appears normal.


when i throttle down the system, both post screens appear normal.


any other ideas...please???

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I got you now. Sounds like the display adapter is balking at the OC. If you aren't OC'ing the card but just the mobo, it sounds like something is putting a severe strain on the PSU. You do have the PCIe power connector pluged into the video card if it has a place for it?


If you have any case fans or lights, I would unplug them and see if the error goes away. I don't see any other problems with the hardware you have listed in your sig.


That's a good brand and size PSU but there might be a problem with it.

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your cpu vid and ldt voltages are regulated on your motherboard and thier fluctuation most likely has nothing to do with your psu so i wouldnt be mad about that i would try messing with the pci-e frequency i heard 101 is better for nvidia cards but could be wrong.

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If it's only moving 2 tenths of a volt from the rated numbers that's a stable power supply.


I was thinking more along the lines of current drain on the 3.3V rail or the 12V rail if you have lots of accessories.

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