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Link To Dl Ff3?


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Can anyone find the link to download firefox3? I went to the sight expectintg a big button that said download version 3, only to find that it still says version 2. So I went to the ff3 sneak peak link under the button, and all that is listed there is v2.0.0.14. Wasnt the download day thing supposed to start over an hour ago?

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wasnt it supposed to start at 10 am PST, which is 1 pm EST. If thats true, then it started almost an hour and forty minutes ago. And the site is responding now, but it still says ff2 for the version

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posting from 3.0 right now. Haven't had time to really dig through it, but it instantly worked in OCC's CMS (the thing that we use to publish reviews/articles/etc) as well as my own site's front-end (which of course is different and actually more of a pain in the . with browsers other than IE).


So that's an instant plus, and I really really like the the look of it!

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