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Need Some Recommendations


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I jumped on the bandwagon and just bought a Wii for the gf and I to play around on. So far, I'm liking it. However, I just have the simple package which includes on remote and the Wii sports. So, I'm just asking for some recommendations of some games that people have played that would be good to get. Another note: I was also reading the instructions and found out that the Wii will also play gamecube games as well. So if you can think of any of those you'd recommend, I'm all eyes. Thanks again.

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I jumped on the bandwagon and just bought a Wii for the gf and I to play around on. So far, I'm liking it. However, I just have the simple package which includes on remote and the Wii sports. So, I'm just asking for some recommendations of some games that people have played that would be good to get. Another note: I was also reading the instructions and found out that the Wii will also play gamecube games as well. So if you can think of any of those you'd recommend, I'm all eyes. Thanks again.


Alright to cover the basics im not sure if you guys hardcore game on wii or just casual so to start: Mario Kart Wii, Super Mario Galaxy, and Wii Play(the free wiimote) are must haves. If you want to go more hardcore games like Metroid Prime 3 Corruption, Super Smash Bros Brawl, No More Heroes and Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition are great pickups. That should be good to start off; if there is a specific genre you are looking for just say and i will try to recommend some great games.



Now playing: Busta Rhymes - Breathin Like That

via FoxyTunes

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These are ones I like (order is only by train of thought)

- Mario Kart

- Mario Galaxy

- Metroid Prime 3

- Wii Fit (like Wii Sports on steroids)

- Okami (like Zelda but has its own uniqueness)

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Another note: I was also reading the instructions and found out that the Wii will also play gamecube games as well. So if you can think of any of those you'd recommend, I'm all eyes. Thanks again.

Guess I kinda forgot to answer this question, and since there are absolutely ZERO conversations going on right now I'll dedicate a whole brand new post to this out of sheer boredom. :P


Only two games come to mind for the Game Cube I'd recommend ...well, maybe 3 if you can actually find the 3rd. Only place I seen good prices for these two games is Game Stop online. It is hard finding these games in local stores and if you do they usually charge some ridiculous amount, but maybe where you live is different.


1 - Metroid Prime


This game is probably responsible for the best gaming experience I have ever had, but I won't blow sunshine up your rump... it's hard. Though it's not an XB Ninja Gaiden or PS2 Devil May Cry 3 cheap hard. Ninja Gaiden's version of being hard is surrounding you by 5 enemies and 2 or 3 off the screen you can't see throwing crap at you. Then it has bosses that take out monster chunks of your health in a single blow.


Metroid Prime's version of hard is making you think real time, applying what you have learned just recently with the stuff in the past, and multi-tasking all the abilities you picked up. It is purely based on skill and you absolutely won't have it going into the game. If you are dedicated though and continue to try you be rewarded with some of the funnest boss battles you ever fought. They'll make you work your collective @$$ off, but when you win 1) You'll feel awesome, and 2) You can do it again no problem.


Compared to today's games you may not be impressed with the graphics, but it easily compares next to almost any XB (higher powered system) game sans maybe 1 or 2. They put detail everywhere,.. on the floor in a corner behind a bush - seriously it's there. I digged the music & sound as well ...especially the Ice area, forgot name. The game litterally was ahead of its time. Sadly the sequel (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes) did not add anything special on top. In fact, I feel it was a step back. I mean it's a decent enough game and some day I may finish it just cuz I enjoyed the first one so much and I have the 3rd for the Wii, but I won't recommend it... i'll let you make up your own mind on MP1 first. People who don't like Metroid Prime always complain about the difficulty, so if you absolutely can't stand hard games ...probably not for you. I still think its worth the effort, some elses mileage may vary.



2 - Mario Kart Double Dash


It's a different playstyle than the Wii version so if you do get the Wii version don't think it's like its going from a Madden '08 to a Madden '07. I personally prefer the Wii version, many like Double Dash version more. Either way both are fun games and I enjoy them both. Like Metroid Prime 1, this game is hard to find because those who do own rarely trade it in or sell it. It's the only version of Mario Kart that features two characters riding on the same kart so you can store a special power up item on each one as well as the fact each character has their own special power-up.


3 - Zelda Collection


This was a special where they sold Game Cubes with a free disc of this. It contains all the previous Zeldas along with a demo of Windwaker. If you liked the old zelda games, it's kinda nice having a compiliation of them all on one disc.



I really didn't own too many Game Cube games despite owning the system, but I guess a couple other games I had fun with was Soul Calibur 3 and the Mega Man Collection. Forgot how unforgiving those old Mega Man games were - one false jump, and that's it. Short stages tho. Soul Calibur 3 is one of the best fighting games made so if you like those, that is a good pickup.

Edited by Fogel

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Here's what we have for the Wii:


Sim City (SNES - VC)

Zelda Ocarina of Time (N64 - VC)

Mario Kart 64 (N64 - VC)



Super Mario Galaxy (see above descriptor!)

Mario Party 8 (killer game, but only does widescreen in the menus!!! 4:3 when in the actual game, but so what, it's pretty fun!!!)


The other two that I'm hopefully going to rent before 2012:


Mario Strikers (the soccer one?)

Super Smash Brothers Brawl



Oh oh, then there's Guitar Hero and Rock Band if you don't have them for another console...those two right there easily get about 90% of all play time on any console.

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I have Twilight Princess, Mario Galaxy and Mario Kart. They're all really great games that I would consider "must have".

Post your Mario Kart Code Thingy already. Maybe we can actually time it right to race with Silverfox.


I'll see if i can't get Angry and Bowtie into the action, i know where they hang out.

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Guest happyday999
These are ones I like (order is only by train of thought)

- Mario Kart

- Mario Galaxy

- Metroid Prime 3

- Wii Fit (like Wii Sports on steroids)

- Okami (like Zelda but has its own uniqueness)


Those games are good, and the Super Smash Bros. Brawl is pretty cool also, you can have a look at it.

Edited by happyday999

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