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True - Lapped... Finally...

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What I thought would take 30-45 minutes ended up taking up 3 hours of my afternoon. Take into consideration that this was the 3rd Thermaltake Ultra 120 Extreme I got after having to RMA the first 2 because of them teeter-tottering so badly on their bases. This one was "decent", but not perfect. I started out with 600... I should have went with 400... It took forever to get the 2 outer sides down to copper. That center section was pretty raised. It'll now take a few (reads: many) hours before the thermal paste and everything sets in, but after doing this, it seems as if the temps are already down appx 2-4c







Then started in on the 800






1000 grit




And finally 1500 grit







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I wonder why Thermalright (and other companies) don't just lap the bases flat in the first place lol... they all seem to be mostly concave... this is the first time I've seen a convex base, so I guess it goes either way, just not flat! :lol:


Are you going to lap your Q6600? The older ones seem to be fairly concave whereas the newer ones I've seen appear to be fairly flat (relatively)

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I wonder why Thermalright (and other companies) don't just lap the bases flat in the first place lol... they all seem to be mostly concave... this is the first time I've seen a convex base, so I guess it goes either way, just not flat! :lol:


Are you going to lap your Q6600? The older ones seem to be fairly concave whereas the newer ones I've seen appear to be fairly flat (relatively)



Oddly enough, when I took the straight edge to the Q6600, it was almost perfectly flat. One outer side had a very slight drop to it, but I didn't feel that would make a difference anyway. The main area was what I was worried about. I set the TRUE on it on my desk and got out the flashlight and couldn't see any light. I think I'm sitting pretty good B:)

Edited by Rokkaholik

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The last one I bought was teeter-tottering when I set it on the cpu. I put it on anyway as I did not have time to mess with lapping. Surprisingly it still cools well...


HA! You should have seen the first one I got... Just looing at the bottom dead on, you could see where the machining screwed up and went kitty-wompus. The second was warped pretty much diagonally. From one corner to the other, the straight edge was ok, but from the 2 opposite corners, way off. It was convexed. This third one wasn't perfect, but it's worked since last November. I finally gathered up the courage to attempt the lapping. Luckily, mine was pretty flat from front to back, just off in the center section as you can see in the pics. I thing it was alot easier to work with like that.

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(@1.58v) 66, 57, 59, 62... generally for me core0 and core3 run hotter than core1 and core2... OCCT temps to tend to fluctuate periodically for me... I guess it switches algorithms and these correlate to the temp changes... so sometimes the cores are closer together temp-wise, other times it's the 0/3 hot, 1/2 not quite as hot...

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Ok...... I pulled a stupid..... ;)


I was looking at a picture of the inside of my computer I took and noticed the Scythe Fan's label on the TRUE staring at me. ^%$^%@#%^%$%*%$#*$&@#!!! I put it on backwards!!! :lol:



So, after taking it out and putting it back in the right way, it looks like my tems dropped a little more under load.


Cores 1 and 3 averaged 52-54 for the entire test and cores 2 and 4 averaged 47-49



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