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Temperature Question.

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Hey everyone, I'm relatively new to CPU overclocking and I wanted to make sure my temperatures are at a safe level. At idle my CPU is at 35-37 degrees Celsius and at full load its 57-59 degrees Celsius. I know the idle temp is safe but i wanted to see if the full load temp was too high, any help would be appreciated.



Apevia 750W PSU

Core 2 duo E6420 2.13ghz (OC'ed to 2.7), Scythe SCINF-1000 heatsink


EVGA 8800 GTS 640mb (x2)

320GB HD


Oh and one quick question, I was going to buy some Arctic thermal grease and wanted to know if you had to remove the original grease on the heatsink and CPU before applying this

Edited by DeltaForce

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Welcome to OCC Delta, your temps should drop even more with some AS5 on it, You should also look into OCZ Freeze thermal compound if you haven't bought the AS5 yet, use it myself and I like it a lot.

Whatever you decide to use make sure to use a very small amount, generally no where near as much as the compound that comes already applied on most heatsinks

Only put a small spot in the center of the CPU about half the size of a grain of rice, attach the heatsink securely and then remove it again and check your contact and if its good re attach the heatsink.

I find this better than rebuilding the PC and finding out the contact is bad or too much/little paste has been used and having to disassemble it all over again.

You could also just do a setup on a workbench without a case so you know can test it before you build.

From what I've heard about the E64's they are very capable of 3Ghz+ so you have plenty of potential there.

New to overclocking or not dude, you built a nice rig to start learning on.

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Thanks alot guys, branjo whats the best kind of thermal compound to get? i know AS5 is good, but i was also considering that JetArt diamond compund and as well as the OCZ freeze you mentioned, do you know which one ill get the best results with?

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Personally I prefer the Freeze, no cure time. Dries very quickly so if you have to spread it do it fast. I haven't tried the diamond based stuff but I have read a few reviews that say its not all that.

After the AS5 cure time I doubt there would be much difference than using the Freeze I think its a 1C difference at best so realistically either is fine. Its all about getting the right amount on the CPU, too much can be worse than not enough, there's a very fine line between the two so experiment a bit and try to use as little as possible.

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Thanks branjo, I have one more really stupid question, I've watched a few videos of guys removing the grease from the cpu, some have the cpu still in the mobo and others have it out, does it matter whether its inside or out of the mobo?

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I never take mine out, cotton swabs and alcohol should do the job. Now if there was a ton of thermal paste that has gone everywhere then I would take it out but if not then leaving it in is fine.

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Is your power supply the Warlock or Quartz version?


The Quartz looks quite impressive although I have to say its not something I would buy. I like them plain and simple.


What do you think of them? The reviews I have seen, although basically done, are on the whole positive but it would be interesting to see how they perform under load.





Edited by paulktreg

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paulktreg, i have the Quartz version, not because its fancy looking or anything, i just found a really good deal on it. I've never had a problem with it, I've played 9 hours of Mass Effect on ultra high and not a hiccup. It runs all my hardware beautifully. I probably couldnt of asked for a better PSU

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paulktreg, i have the Quartz version, not because its fancy looking or anything, i just found a really good deal on it. I've never had a problem with it, I've played 9 hours of Mass Effect on ultra high and not a hiccup. It runs all my hardware beautifully. I probably couldnt of asked for a better PSU


Glad to hear it.


I am more interested in how they "really" perform. You are probably pulling no more than 300-400W with everything maxed out. I'd be interested to know how it performed at 750W, thats the real test!





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