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Cpu Monitoring Program

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Wasn't sure where to ask this, but I guess here may be the best.


I've been using the OCCT program for the last week to occassionally check on the CPU's performance and temps of the cores, but last night, core 2 was reading 68 at an idle while the other 3 were in the 34-37 range. This morning, Core 2 was in the 72 area, while the others were still in their 34-37 idle area. So... I uninstalled the OCCT and went to the program files and also deleted the OCCT folder and restarted the PC. Upon reinstallation of OCCT, I again checked the temps and they were right where they should be, 34-38. I wonder how that got corrupted?


Is there a free program out there that is possibly a little more reliable and as easy to use?

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Thanks for the program idea Colt... I also downloaded that and after running it, I noticed that it shows a much cooler temp than the other 2 I have. What one do you go by? Is one supposed to be more accurate than the other?



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I have an In fared temp gun that I use to get my cpu temp and I'm comparing Real temp to Everest. When I was using Core Temp my temps were always higher and I read a article about the Tjmax being lower on the new Intel cpus and that Real Temp was more accurate . Core temp shows it to be 105 where real temp has it at 95. I don't know if putting a link to another thread in a different forum is against the rules but here is where I got my information (http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=179044 ) . If this is against the rules I apologize and the MODS can remove it please.

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tis cool....


I used to use a temp probe... but it died a while ago....

I use a infra red temp gun too.. (I use it for engine temps for RC airplanes)


it is close but not super accurate as there is no way to get into the core.....

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CoreTemp reads on a diode closest to the core of the CPU, resulting in the highest and most accurate temperature. I've found it to be read several degrees higher than any other program so far. It will also show you the highest temperature your CPU can tolerate, via tCaseMax.

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