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Sli Questions..

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If i have a Geforce 9800 and Geforce 8800 whats the diffrence of using the 9800 as my main card and 8800 as my secondary card?

will it affect performance?

What if i use the 8800 as my main and 9800 as my secondary?

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You can't use a 9800(of any kind) and an 8800(of any kind) together in SLI. I'm assuming the 9800 you're referring to is a GX2 in which case it's much better than any 8800(GT, GTS, GTX, ULTRA out there. Use it as your primary and don't even worry about throwing the 8800 into the mix.

Edited by iKillSteal

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You can't use a 9800(of any kind) and an 8800(of any kind) together in SLI. I'm assuming the 9800 you're referring to is a GX2 in which case it's much better than any 8800(GT, GTS, GTX, ULTRA out there. Use it as your primary and don't even worry about throwing the 8800 into the mix.


That's certainly debatable

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That's certainly debatable

Sure, if you factor in things like size, how much power it draws and how much heat it puts out but if you're talking raw performance, then there's simply no question. The 9800GX2 simply is better than any single 8-series card and better than a few in multi-gpu setups(gets fuzzy with the g92 GTS and then it's against the GX2 when GTX's and Ultras are in question).


Edit: Missed the line you bolded in the quote. What I said still holds true. There is a sizable performance difference between the GX2 and any 8-series card. Enough of a difference that saying "it's much better" really isn't exaggerated at all and in most(as in most, with the rare exception, not just most as in roughly all) cases really isn't debatable. Excuse the poor English in the parentheses, can't find a better way of saying it...

Edited by iKillSteal

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