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Thermalright Hr-03gt Rocks!!

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I installed my HR-03GT a few days ago, and applied some AS5 to the GPU and some AS adhesive to the HS's. First, the adhesive tape that comes along with it is sub-par. If you don't get it on there right the first time, your pretty much screwed.


Anyways, I got it on there in the wrap-around format, with the fan pulling air upwards (Scythe 90mm @ 7v). On my CM-690, I have a 140mm fan from Aero Cool blowing inward (7v as well. The amazing thing is that with only the Scythe running, I get the same temps as I did with my stock HSF, but hella quieter. When I put the side panel on, the Aero Cool fan is ~1/2 cm from touching the heat pipes, and is dead center of the heatsink. Simply by blowing cold air onto the HR-03 (and also between the GPU and HS, where the fan is getting it's air) I can shave off 5

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