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What Are The Best Cooling Fans Out There?

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When you mention cooling fan, are you referring to a CASE fan or a CPU Cooling fan? Also, you have to take into account the size of the fan. There's 120mm, 92mm, 80mm, etc... 120's seem to be the more common ones these days whether it's case or CPU fan.


Before you go with the cooling fan, make sure you have a nicely ventilated case, or that fan isn't going to do alot. The Antec 900 Gamer Case seems to be a favorite for good airflow and it's what I use.


There's many "cheap" fans out there that may do as advertised, but for how long? Sometimes when you go cheap, you'll get exactly that. Another variable is noise. Some fans will blow like hell, but also are loud as hell to boot. Find a good tolorable middle ground.


Noctua and Scythe make some pretty good high flow fans that run quietly and are well worth the money. I personally have the Scythe S-Flex SFF21G series fan which runs 1900 rpms and flows 75cfm and that's mounted on a Thermalright Ultra 120 Extreme CPU Cooler. I'm also adding another Scythe S-Flex on the back of that cooler so I'll have one in front pulling air in and one in back pushing it out the back of the case.


That brings up another cooling piece of hardware... Make sure you take into consideration what you'll be using for a CPU cooler.


Good references here: http://forums.overclockersclub.com/index.php?showtopic=80908


Remember, fans are actually pretty low cost, but replacing overheated or fried components is not. It would be like having the ultimate 1000hp engine in your car, but a crappy radiator.


Fans = Good B:)

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Ahhh... Well it looks like the Thermalright Ultra 120 Extreme is as good as it gets these days, especially when accompanied by a 120mm fan. Make sure you apply good thermal compound and in the right way. I used Arctic Silver 5, and on their website, they show the right amount and where to put it. Make sure BOTH surfaces are clean. I used a coffee filter and alcohol to clean mine before applying anything


Choose either Intel or AMD, and from there, the socket you're using and the instructions are pretty self explainatory:



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