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Want 8800gs Or 9600gt Or 3850....which Is The Better And Why?

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Okay the title says it all, I want a new mid range Video Card (bang for buck) will be for a gaming system that may be used for HDTV later on. Can anyone please point me in the right direction with links for straightforward articles differentiating between these 3 series or sum them up yourself. No personal opinions please just technical differences. Budget is about $200AUD tops. Some of the sites I can use for buying:





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Well out of all those 3 cards your 9600GT is going to perform the best, and by quite a bit really.


I just got a galaxy 9600GT for my girlfriends comp, and it had pretty good reviews. It doesn't come with much fancy things in the box, but it's supposed to be very overclock friendly. Gigabyte makes a nice card aswell though, so its hard to decide between them all. They will most likely perform pretty much the same at stock speeds though :)

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