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blue screen


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Ok I have my system oc'd @ 2141.6mhz and sometimes all of the sudden it just shuts down and goes to a blue screen that says it detected an error but each time it is a different error it detects???? I think it my be becuase my ram is running on the same fsb as my cpu but I can't find an option to set it from 6:6 to 5:6 so in other word I can't find where to change my divider the settings for my ram are 3-4-4-8-11-2t-16 I don't know if anyone has some suggestions on if I should change this and what I should cahnge it to??? My tems for both my cores are core 1:39-40 and core 2:37-38 on idle and core 1:44-46 and core 2 43-45 under load. So I don't think it is my temps I just don't know???? I did increase my voltage from 1.34.3v to 1.35.6v so maybe thats it??? I don't know...any suggestions???

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