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Highest overclock for AM2 4800

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I'm wondering whats the highest i can take my 4800 too on air without damage being done. i know alot of you guys are intel guys but give me a break this once and see if u can help me out. my intel system will be coming soon. just trying to play around a lil for the meanwhile.

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Most of the current A64 chips are topping out around 3Ghz. Usually a little lower. It really just depends on a lot of things though. Your OC knowledge, your PSU, your motherboard, etc, etc, etc.


The best way to find out how high it will OC is to OC it. :rolleyes:

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I'm wondering whats the highest i can take my 4800 too on air without damage being done. i know alot of you guys are intel guys but give me a break this once and see if u can help me out. my intel system will be coming soon. just trying to play around a lil for the meanwhile.



the last time i remember overclocking amd, Motherboard got conked. <_<


be sure inuf u take steps in overclocking amd stuff, u never know ! u might be in my old position, saying OH ...!!!! DAMN!!


But that was different.


GOOD LUCK :thumbs-up:

Edited by get_saif

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the last time i remember overclocking amd, Motherboard got conked. <_<


be sure inuf u take steps in overclocking amd stuff, u never know ! u might be in my old position, saying OH ...!!!! DAMN!!


But that was different.


GOOD LUCK :thumbs-up:


Here are my specs so maybe this will help...


CoolerMaster COSMOS case

4800 AM2 @2.5 stock

ZALMAN 9500 h/s/fan

abit fatal1ty 590sli

2gb patriot extreme performance ddr2800

(2)EVGA 7950gt ko's in sli

ultra 550w titanium sli ready


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No one's going to be able to tell you for sure, so why not just OC it yourself and find out? You should be the one telling us this information, not the other way around...


so i'd say that i have like a 90 percent chance that im gonna kill my cpu..lol. can u at least answer this for me plz. is it better to have a higher fsb with a lower multiplier??? or the other way around. which is going to create more heat....

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so i'd say that i have like a 90 percent chance that im gonna kill my cpu..lol. can u at least answer this for me plz. is it better to have a higher fsb with a lower multiplier??? or the other way around. which is going to create more heat....


why do you think you are going to kill your cpu? don't add voltage untill you need to, and then only in small amounts. Someone here can probably tell you what is a safe voltage. Whenever you hit your max, reset the bios, tweak it some more and try again. are you going for a suicide bench or do you want this rig o be stable. Oh and to answer your other question. yes, higher fsb with lower multi, atleast thats how it was 2 generations back. I haven't really kept up all that much. I dont think either will change the amount of heat on your cpu. Heat comes mostly from higher voltage and cpu % usage.


Are you new to overclocking, if so, you should read some of the pinned topics on it. You don't have to kill your proccy to OC. Proccessors work better alive.

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why do you think you are going to kill your cpu? don't add voltage untill you need to, and then only in small amounts. Someone here can probably tell you what is a safe voltage. Whenever you hit your max, reset the bios, tweak it some more and try again. are you going for a suicide bench or do you want this rig o be stable. Oh and to answer your other question. yes, higher fsb with lower multi, atleast thats how it was 2 generations back. I haven't really kept up all that much. I dont think either will change the amount of heat on your cpu. Heat comes mostly from higher voltage and cpu % usage.


Are you new to overclocking, if so, you should read some of the pinned topics on it. You don't have to kill your proccy to OC. Proccessors work better alive.


yeah that makes sense and yes i am a little new to overclocking. my processor factory runs at 200x12.5=2500 so i was thinking prob like around 275 or 280 x 10 to get me up around 2800 which i think is doable with my cpu. how will i know when i'm topped out and need to up the voltage?

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yeah that makes sense and yes i am a little new to overclocking. my processor factory runs at 200x12.5=2500 so i was thinking prob like around 275 or 280 x 10 to get me up around 2800 which i think is doable with my cpu. how will i know when i'm topped out and need to up the voltage?


You are maxed out when either 1. The computer does not start or 2. The computer is unstable. Like king said, watch the temps. also, there are links to stability testing software in the overclocking FAQ.

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You are maxed out when either 1. The computer does not start or 2. The computer is unstable. Like king said, watch the temps. also, there are links to stability testing software in the overclocking FAQ.



alight that sounds good i'll give it a shot when i get home(still at work)and see what happens. what is a good max temp i should be worried about. i think my mobo is set at 80C but that seems pretty high.....

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whatever volt or fsb increase u do, just keep the tag of temperature, its very vital!


keep it in between 50 ~ 62 c , this safe on heavy load. be sure not to forget this.



start just by increasing fsb. then if u find ur system not getting alive or some beep sounds from ur mobo arise. go back to the previous fsb that worked.


after doing all the stuff , reading in earlier post's, just check with OCCT, primetest, etc... for stability.


Cooling is very important.


The cooler it is, the better option for more overclocking.

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