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Why isn't this thing cooler!?


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This is a setup of how I have my case. I think it's an Antec Case, but it could be a Lian Li. I have a Scythe 133CFM, 3000RPM fan running across my Ninja Revision B. It replaced the 1200RPM fan which came with the Ninja. I also have an 81CFM, 5000RPM Typhoon fan blowing hot air out of the front of the case. Next to my 8800GTS I installed a PCI slot fan, which sucks air from the card and expells it out the back at 29CFM. My previous setup had no case fans, just an open side and a box fan. I idled around 19-23c, my temperature at load was 35c MAX. Now I have this setup, and I'm idling around 29/30c, and Im at 38c MAX!


Why isn't this cooler? My Motherboard temperature are 2 degrees higher at 34c, but I can live with that, with a closed case. This setup is a LOT noiser. It sounds like a hair dryer and a vacuum cleaner are mating in my case.


The Scythe fan doesn't fit flush at the bottom with the heatsink, could the 2mm gap make THAT much of a difference with the 3x increase in RPM and I'm guessing at LEAST 3x increase in CFM?


Please help!!! I want a COOL setup.





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reverse the direction of the front and cpu fans because they are wrong, there is no hot air at the front/bottom of the case, and you want the hot air from the CPU pushed OUT of the case

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Hot air rises. Take a look at your picture and figure out how that affects it. :P


I did what you said, and now I'm idling at 20-21c, and my MB temperature is 26c!


I think a LOT of this has to do with the temperature of my room though. I only achieve temperatures this low when the room is cold (around 68f). BUT, this is a HUGE improvement. Also, I switched the fan arangement so that the hot hair that was being blown off the CPU is now being vacated from the case.


Anyway, thanks for the inspiration :)

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