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Sound Blaster two-fer question


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My first question deals with using optical in on the front of my X-Fi Platinum. I run an optical cable from the out port on the back of my Xbox 360 to the in port of the front bay of the sound card so I can use my computer speakers for surround sound. The problem is, after using the Xbox 360 for some time, the sound is lagging behind the video. If I unplug and plug the optical cable, the sound syncs up again until a while later when it is lagging again. I have the same problem on my Audigy 2 ZS Platinum in my old computer. Is there any way to correct this?


My other question is about using my LTB Magnum 5.1 usb headphones with this sound card. Is there any way to have the Sound Blaster to handle the audio and send it to the headphones or do I have to use the drivers that came with the headphones?

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check the sample rate of the optical in... you might have to change the master sample rate to 48kHz or 96kHz instead of the default 44.1kHz


USB headphones are essentially a USB soundcard with speakers... you can't bypass the soundcard... you need headphones with analogue connections (3x3.5mm: green, black, orange)

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