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e2140 and other components overclocked


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have overclocked e2140 to 3ghz..

i was wondering if it stable... temp idle is 48 ~ 51 , on load 60 ~ 70 degree Celsius.


AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. is my ram ok at this picture? please give me suggestion on my ram..


i have XFX 8600gt , stock of 540/700, i have overclocked to 690/920. idle temp is 52 ~ 55, on load 65 ~ 77 degree Celsius. i am not able to figure out the fan speed of gpu ( a little help here 2 ).



waiting for any comments and help.

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Also your temp on load is a little high really, you want to keep below 60 on load, 70 is way to high really for long time use, specially if you plan to use this for a 24/7 system, no more than 55-60c on load on tat. Orthos gives a lower stress test compared to intel TAT test software.

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Also your temp on load is a little high really, you want to keep below 60 on load, 70 is way to high really for long time use, specially if you plan to use this for a 24/7 system, no more than 55-60c on load on tat. Orthos gives a lower stress test compared to intel TAT test software.



sorry guys i forgot to mention orthos.


i tested with orthos for 5min. cpu and ram test. the temp was stuck to 85 c.


And the ram is corsair smx2x1024 - 6400 , latence 5-5-5-12.

i was playing game DIRT. to check the temp. cpu was 65 c and gpu 75 for half hour play.


and i am not usinf the sytem for 24/7. may be around max to 8 ~ 9 hours.


as i was playing ther game. windows suddenly crashed and restarted. waht do u think is the problem? but the cpu temp was 65 c constant.


sorry guys i forgot to mention orthos.


i tested with orthos for 5min. cpu and ram test. the temp was stuck to 85 c.


And the ram is corsair sm2x1024 - 6400 , latence 5-5-5-12.


i was playing game DIRT. to check the temp. cpu was 65 c and gpu 75 for half hour play.


and i am not usinf the sytem for 24/7. may be around max to 8 ~ 9 hours.


as i was playing ther game. windows suddenly crashed and restarted. waht do u think is the problem? but the cpu temp was 65 c constant.

Edited by get_saif

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i tested with orthos for 5min. cpu and ram test. the temp was stuck to 85 c.

WAAAAY too high. Reduce your core voltage and/or speed until you can get a new cooler. 85C will greatly reduce the lifespan of your cpu.


5 minutes isn't anywhere near long enough to test stability.


Run 2 instances of Prime95 (one on each core) in blend mode. If it doesn't run for 24 hours (at least) without bombing out then it's not stable.


as i was playing ther game. windows suddenly crashed and restarted. waht do u think is the problem? but the cpu temp was 65 c constant.

It means your overclock isn't stable...

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Yah, ORTHOS is out to kill the e2140. I spoke with Intel tech support over the phone, they say don't go over 73.2C for M0. He said even though it will shut itself off before it damages itself, it's best just run it under that temp (73.2C). It will actually run at a lower multiplier to cut back on the temp first, if that fails it will just turn off. It's a cheap chip, so do as you wish, but now you know...

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Yah, ORTHOS is out to kill the e2140. I spoke with Intel tech support over the phone, they say don't go over 73.2C for M0. He said even though it will shut itself off before it damages itself, it's best just run it under that temp (73.2C). It will actually run at a lower multiplier to cut back on the temp first, if that fails it will just turn off. It's a cheap chip, so do as you wish, but now you know...


ok thanks guys..


well i brought it down to my before stable overclock to 2.8ghz..


this does not crash or anything,.

i tried nvidia control panel test .

its stable.


but my doubt. so it just crashed cause of 73 c exceed? and y is this gpu even with stock settings idle temp at 53 ~ 55 c ? and my ram is good? was it giving me trouble by helping the crash?

Edited by get_saif

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